Batteries That Don’t Leak Or Corrode
Batteries that don’t leak. Yes they exist! I have been using this particular brand for many years with 100% success.
Batteries that don’t leak. Yes they exist! I have been using this particular brand for many years with 100% success.
A message from me to you this holiday season. A renewed focus on the good.
The Great Toilet Paper Shortage Of 2020. Remember that? I do! There are some important lessons to be learned..
Thinsulate gloves are uniquely insulated with various gram weight ratings. Here’s a relative warmth scale to help you decide.
Berkey water filter accessories to enhance usability and convenience, maintenance, and spare backup parts, just in case.
Run your portable generator at least several times a year. Here’s why, how long, and what to check – BEFORE you need it!
Whether sharpening by hand, or with specific tools, it’s most important to maintain a consistent angle (see knife sharpening angle chart).
Instructions how to clean Berkey filters, which I’ve been doing for 10+ years. I’ll give you some good tips too..
One of the best rugged water jugs with a spigot. The Aqua Tainer by Reliance. My oldest is 13 years and still going strong..
My favorite, and perhaps the best keychain flashlight, is not only for the preparedness-minded, but anyone at all…