Favorite Bread Recipes – Homemade

Okay all you homemade bread lovers out there…
Let’s see your favorite bread recipes!
I’m sure that most everyone will agree that there’s nothing quite like the smell of breadmaking, from the rise, to the baking, to the table! And there’s nothing like the taste of fresh, warm, homemade bread. I’m getting hungry just typing this!
I think it will be fun to share our favorite bread recipes. And it will be equally fun to try one that we haven’t made before…
Baking homemade bread is good practice
Whether you’re using store bought flour or milling your own flour, baking your own homemade bread from scratch is good practice for general preparedness in the kitchen.
An Electric Flour Mill For Your Own Homemade Breads
Most every skill that you acquire will naturally flow towards independence and value. And food skills are essential to survival! While today we can buy any processed or ready-made food that we need in the grocery store, isn’t it great to be able to do it yourself?
The ingredients for breadmaking
The most basic of ingredients to make your own homemade bread include flour and water.
Other items such as yeast, egg, butter, milk, salt, sugar, also contribute towards a loaf.
You might make the most basic of bread, even without yeast, or you might go all out and load up that recipe with all sorts of scrumptious ingredients…
The proportions of ingredients make a difference too!
How To Make Basic Bread From Dough Without Yeast
You might use a bread machine to do the mix, rise, and bake, or you might choose to do it all yourself by hand and then into the oven.
THE Best Bread Machine For Bread Lover’s
Bread Recipes
I’ll start with a basic bread recipe:
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 Tablespoon butter
3 cups freshly milled wheat flour
2 Tablespoons sugar
¾ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoon yeast
– Mix together and knead for apprx. 10 – 15 minutes. Cover and let rise for 1 hour.
– Remove dough from mixing bowl, deflate and knead for about 5 minutes.
– Place in a greased bread pan. Cover and let rise for an hour.
– Bake
Another Bread Recipe
5 oz water (warm)
5 oz milk (warm)
2¾ cup, wheat flour
½ tsp salt
3 TBSP sugar
2 TBSP butter
1½ tsp yeast
– Add the liquid ingredients and yeast to a bowl, stirring to dissolve the yeast. Then add remaining ingredients, stirring until well combined.
– Remove the dough to a floured surface. Knead for 10 to 15 minutes and place into a greased bowl.
– Cover and let rise until doubled (1 hour).
– Remove the dough to a floured surface.
– Punch dough down and gently knead for a few minutes.
– Place into a greased (cooking spray or otherwise) loaf pan, cover and let rise until doubled (approximately 45 minutes to an hour).
– Bake in a pre-heated 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until done.
Your Favorite Bread Recipes?
I love raisin bread. Any good recipes for that?
Cranberry bread is good too!
Cinnamon bread
Banana bread