The Mind-Set of a Safety Net


We live in a modern world with a safety net mind-set where we can simply dial 911 in an emergency, which will bring the appropriate help from first responders… police, paramedics, fire, etc.

It is a modern world in which people can be complacent about such things… the risks.
But is it realistic?

People ‘assume’ that help is coming. People ‘assume’ that regardless of the circumstance, they have a safety net to catch them, should they fall.

Many people have an apparent unawareness of danger, or trouble; seemingly a complete lack of risk awareness or assessment, based on some of their actions.

This I believe to be partially attributable to today’s systems of support. While these systems can be very beneficial and even life-saving, it is mistake to let them affect your mind-set such that you end up doing things with a subconscious assumption that any negative consequences will save your ass, so to speak.

Many people also have a belief that if they are ever caught in the middle of a disaster, particularly one that affects lots of people, that eventually they will be bailed out by the government in one way or another. Someone will come to their rescue. All they have to do is wait it out.

Modern survival is partly about breaking the mental barrier of the safety net mind-set, and clearing the assumption that someone will always be there to rescue you.

How does this help you?

It forces you to ‘see’ the risks and to make decisions about them.

By becoming aware of the risks that are around you as you live your day-to-day life, you will become better educated to make plans and decisions that will steer you around those risks. You will have a better knowledge of what to prepare for.

It is a fact that many people knowingly and unknowingly enter risky situations or even live their life this way, while being subconsciously (or consciously) self reassured that there are safety nets in place to protect them. We are fortunate that much of modern society does indeed provide safety nets, however to rely upon them or expect to be saved from disastrous situations is a dangerous mind-set.

If you are a prepper, you have shed the safety net mind-set. To many here, this is preaching to the choir, so to speak. But I’ll bet that even you (and I) could think of a few things (assumptions) which we subconsciously rely upon for a safety net. It’s worth some time to think about it. And when you find what it is, go ahead and shore up the risk…