About Modern Survival Blog

Modern Survival Blog is about living a Practical, Sensible, preparedness-oriented Lifestyle—coupled with a spirit of Self-Reliance and an extent of Sustainable Living—while in the pursuit of Knowledge, Life, Liberty, and Happiness.

I write near-daily articles of opinion, commentary, and information on a wide variety of topics that you might find interesting or helpful in within the realm of prepping and preparedness. 

I believe that what I can offer you most on this blog is a perspective of common-sense opinion and practical information regarding the variety of topics that I write about.

Modern Survival Blog Mission Statement

Preparedness Awareness.

To provide information, ideas, and opinions about the many related topics within the vast realm of prepping and preparedness.

Helping others better prepare for the potential risks we face in our modern world, especially in uncertain times.

Striving to live a more self-reliant, self-sufficient lifestyle – liberated from the system.

A little bit about me..

At this stage, I consider myself a ‘sort of ‘Jack of all trades.’ I’m semi-retired. Several interesting careers have taught me a lot within the electro-mechanical realm. Today, I enjoy writing the occasional preparedness blog as well as tinkering around the homestead (the endless lists and projects). I enjoy life on my patch of dirt here in New Hampshire (actually, there might be more rocks than dirt).

My politics and ideals. I am neither Republican nor Democrat, and I recognize the current ‘Uniparty’ system for what it is and where it’s likely taking us during these precarious times. I used to get quite worked up about all of it. These days, however, I temper my reactions to what I cannot control. Instead, I focus on my own ‘local’—my sphere. Because there, my friends, we can make a difference.

Modern Survival Blog Headquarters Location

New Hampshire, United States of America