Food Independence, No Debt, and a Paid-For House

I believe that working towards these three goals will change your life.
1. Food Independence (or at least working on it)
2. No Debt
3. Paid-For House
I can tell you without a doubt that achieving these goals will free your soul from DEPENDENCE if you let it. The process alone will set you free from many stresses.
You have the opportunity to become truly liberated from a system that is designed to hold you down.
Food Independence
Okay, maybe literal food independence is difficult at best. Literal Level-4 preparedness which entails self-sufficient food production (various farming) is no small thing or even desirable for most… In fact it’s likely impossible for the typical working man or woman unless you’re working on your own farm!
However there is a lot (a very lot) that you can do towards becoming less reliant upon ‘the grocery store’.
Note: It’s a great feeling to look at one’s own stocked shelves of diversified foods!
Vegetable gardens are the start of the process.
Food preservation techniques are best learned next.
You can take it to whatever level that you choose, within the constraints of where you live.
Tip: If you get the equipment and know-how to ‘home can’ foods, then you will be able to take advantage of store Sales prices. Purchase in quantities sufficient to do a batch. Plus it will store on the shelf without refrigeration. We do this semi-regularly for deep sale prices of chicken.
Example: Boneless chicken breast was on sale not long ago for $1.79 at our grocery store so we bought 16 pounds and canned a batch.
Related article: My Pressure Canned Chicken
Presto 23-Quart Pressure Canner
(view on amzn)
No Debt
This is huge. I mean really. For those who have pulled themselves out of debt know exactly what I mean. Becoming debt free is so very important towards self liberation.
Owing nothing puts YOU in the drivers seat, so to speak. No longer will a bank (or banks) weigh heavy on your shoulders. Sure, you will always have to pay taxes. But that’s just a given in this life…
Living BELOW your means is the simple and lasting solution. Resist the temptations to spend BEYOND your means. It’s really that easy. Eventually you will become debt free.
by Dave Ramsey:
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
(view on amzn)
Paid-For House
This may sound impossible or completely daunting (paying off your home mortgage).
Paying off your house will take time, or a deliberate lifestyle change. But I’ve got to tell you that it will be one of the most amazing feelings in the world when you do.
There are a number of ways to approach this.
You can continue to pay your mortgage for 30 years (whatever your remaining term), or you can do it quicker. Some people will commit to paying more on their mortgage to pay it off sooner. It will still take TIME, however when you look back on it, you’ll be glad that you did.
Here’s a thought: Downsize. Give up the ‘BIG HOUSE’ for a smaller one. We’re all programmed to believe that bigger is better. But is it worth the price/debt burden? You might consider selling and then purchasing smaller. Lesser. You might find a piece of land out in the country with a smaller, older house on it. Maybe, maybe not. It’s worth exploring though…for some.
I can tell you that it’s worth the effort.
I have been able to achieve becoming debt free and a paid-for house (still working on enhancing the food independence part).
Years ago I chose to exit from a higher paying career and a life that was filled with it’s associated stresses and issues. I downsized. Sold everything and moved to a part of the country where cost of living was much less. While I don’t have a big income anymore, I can say with certainty that I am so much happier. I eek out a small living from this blog and I am able to work on the homestead. If I still had debt I would not be able to do this and pay the bills.
While it’s not for everyone, a lifestyle change emphasizing the three points above will be exhilarating and liberating!
Food for thought.