Safety Tips For Driving In The Fog

Here are a few safety tips for ‘modern survival’ while driving in the fog. No doubt that most of us have encountered this sometimes frightening situation where the fog can get so thick that you can barely see cars in front of you. I recall several instances while I was living in California and occasionally having to travel in the central valley and encountering the thickest fog I’ve ever experienced. There are several parts of the country that are geographically prone to frequent heavy fog, but the reality is that it can happen most anywhere.
So instead of doom and gloom, lets put out a few safety tips for driving in fog…
Unfortunately, many drivers tend to disregard these common sense tips while barreling through dense fog. I’ve seen it happen all too often and am amazed at the risks that these driving fools are taking as they fly down the road under these conditions.
Drive with lights on LOW beam. Do not use High beams which will reflect off the fog, creating a “white wall” effect.
If you have them, use your purposed fog lights (in addition to your LOW beams) as they are designed low to the ground which may help show the way in front of you.
REDUCE YOUR SPEED and glance at your speedometer. Fog creates an illusion of going slower than you actually are.
Keep your eyes on the road. It only takes a few seconds to suddenly come up on an unseen obstacle, which is another reason to adjust your speed for the conditions.
Avoid crossing traffic lanes.
Travel with the driver’s window partially open. Listen for traffic.
Use wipers AND defroster.
If your car is disabled or you cannot continue due to the conditions, pull well onto the shoulder and turn off lights (people may drive towards your lights in heavy fog thinking you are on the road). Move away from your vehicle.
Consider postponing your trip until the fog lifts.
If visibility diminishes to a point that you no longer feel safe driving, DO NOT STOP IN THE TRAFFIC LANES. Pull well off the road onto the shoulder.
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