LDS Preparedness Survey Checklist

The following survival preparedness survey checklist is from information of the latest revision LDS Survival Preparedness Manual. If one looks for them, there are lots of lists out there, and they are all worth reading because any one of them might inspire a new idea.
The following list may assist you to cross-check your readiness…
I do recommend adding to your survival preparedness library, a hard copy of…
the 2012 LDS Preparedness Manual, which they have printed at cost.
The latest (2012) preparedness manual is more than 500 pages long. Author Christopher Parrett says, “This version represents the single largest update ever made over the last 15 years, more than “doubling” the total size and content of the manual!”
I have assembled a well rounded preparedness library covering all major topics: Yes, No
I have READ the books in my preparedness Library: Yes, No.
I read those books AND actually put their preparedness suggestions to use!! Yes, No
I have a Summer & a Winter sleeping bag for each member of my family: Yes, No
Everyone in my family has a pair of readily available sturdy shoes/boots: Yes, No
I have a pair of shoes at my bedside I could put on with no light at night: Yes, No
I have a AM/FM/Shortwave radio that is Battery or Solar Powered: Yes, No
I have 2-Way radios (CB, FRS, GMRS) for my family members: Yes, No
I have spare batteries or Solar Chargers for my radios for: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
Each member of my family has a Cell Phone: Yes, No
I have 2nd way to charge each phone without Utility Power: Yes, No
I have my HAM License and a HAM Radio: Yes, No
I own a Dog: Yes, No
My Yard is fully fenced: Yes, No
I have Deadbolts on all my doors and locks on all windows: Yes, No
I have a burglar alarm and arm and use it daily/nightly: Yes, No
I have a Handgun for each member of my family (age appropriate): Yes, No
I have a Rifle for each member of my family (age appropriate): Yes, No
I have at least 1,000 rounds of ammunition for each weapon: Yes, No
I have a Safe Room in my home: Yes, No
My family has a Home Invasion Plan and we have drilled it: Yes, No
I have a concealed Carry Permit and carry my weapon with me at all times: Yes, No
I have staged a Fire Drill in my home for my family in the last 24 months: Yes, No
I have staged an Emergency (Bugout) Drill for my family in the last 24 months: Yes, No
I have staged an Intruder/Robbery Drill for my family in the last 24 months: Yes, No
I have staged a 48 hour Power Outage Drill for my family in the last 24 months: Yes, No
I have staged a 48 hour Water Outage Drill for my family in the last 24 months: Yes, No
I have paper copies of all important documents: Yes, No
I have a paper list of contacts, Phone, Names, Addresses, etc: Yes, No
Each member of my family has a current valid Passport: Yes, No
I have a specific planned destination to go to for emergency relocation: Yes, No
I have an appropriately packed 72hr Kit for each member of my family: Yes, No
I have a Bug Out Bag for my family: Yes, No.
I have paper maps for my City, County, State and route to planned destination: Yes, No
I keep the following “Cash On Hand” at home: Silver or Gold coins for emergency: Yes, No
I have an Emergency Fund for all monthly expenses for: None, 1, 3, 6, 12+ Months
I have paid off all of my credit card debt: Yes, No
I have paid off ALL my debts: Yes, No
For every member of my family, I have at least…
Canned: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
Dehydrated/Freeze Dried: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
MRE/Retort: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
I regularly rotate my food and never allow any to expire: Yes, No
I have a way to cook my food (camp stove/grill/etc) without power/Natural Gas: Yes, No
I have stored stabilized gasoline: None, 5 gallons, 10 Gallons, 25 Gallons, 50 Gallons+
I have backup fuel: Butane, White Gas, wood, Propane, Charcoal for cooking: Yes, No
I have backup fuel, such as wood or propane for emergency home heating: Yes, No
I have a flashlight in every bedroom: Yes, No
I have backup lighting (LED Lamps, Kerosene Lamps, Solar Lights, etc): Yes, No
I have Long Burning candles for: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
I have spare batteries to power my flashlights for: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
I know and am trained in First Aid: Yes, No
I have a well stocked first aid kit in my home: Yes, No
I have my prescriptions for: I have well rounded supply of Over The Counter Meds: Yes, No
I regularly exercise and maintain my physical health: Yes, No
My family has a Medical Emergency Response Plan and knows what to do: Yes, No
I have a Geiger Counter or radiological survey meter: Yes, No
I have assembled a decontamination kit for NBC exposure: Yes, No
I have an appropriate Gas Mask for each member of my family: Yes, No
I have an NBC Suit for each member of my family: Yes, No
My family is ready to impose a “Self Isolation Quarantine” for: None, 15, 30, 60, 90 Days
I have a substantial supply of disposable: Gloves, Masks, Booties, Suits, Goggles: Yes, No
My family is prepared to create, supply, staff an isolation/sick room in our home: Yes, No
I have a portable electric Generator: Yes, No
I have started and run my generator in the last: Week, Month, Quarter, Year, ?
I have a solar/Wind/Hydro electric system in my home: Yes, No
I have a chemical or Organic toilet: Yes, No
I have a “Lugable Loo” or other disposable emergency Toilet: Yes, No
I have an Outhouse on my property: Yes, No
I have stored Lime to use with an emergency outdoor pit toilet: Yes, No
I have stored lots of extra toilet paper: Yes, No
I have a fire extinguisher in my home and know how to use it: Yes, No
I have a Carbon Monoxide Detector for use in an emergency: Yes, No
I know my neighbors and could count on them in an emergency: Yes, No
I have personal prayer every day: Yes, No
I have personal scripture study every day: Yes, No
I participate in Family prayer every day: Yes, No
I participate in Family scripture study every day: Yes, No
I participate in Family Home Evening every week: Yes, No
I attend my church every week: Yes, No
I donate generously in my Tithes and Offerings to my church: Yes, No
I am CERT (Community Emergency Responce Training) certified: Yes, No
My vehicle fuel tank is currently: Near Empty, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, Full
I have a 4 wheel drive vehicle: Yes, No
I have a fire extinguisher in my car and know how to use it: Yes, No
I keep a Bug Out Bag in my vehicle at all times: Yes, No
I have a GPS unit in my vehicle or readily available: Yes, No
I have a well stocked first aid kit in my vehicle: Yes, No
I have enough stored water for each family member for: None, 3 days, 7, 15, 30 Days+
I have water treatment chemicals (bleach, iodine, aerobic oxygen, etc.) stored: Yes, No
I have a water purification system (filter): Yes, No
Download the LDS Preparedness Checklist
Many of the values of the LDS community (self-sufficiency and preparedness, etc.) coincide with many of the same which are held by preppers.
More information: LDS AVOW