The Best Work Gloves For Preparedness

The best work gloves for preparedness will be those designed for general everyday wear, and will be made from quality heavy-duty materials that hold up to the test of time.
Long, long ago I learned the difference between the so called ‘cheap’ work gloves and those that you pay more for. The cheap gloves will tear up quickly while the best work gloves will provide much better protection for a much longer time.
I’ll bet that most all of you have at least one pair of ordinary work gloves. However for those of you who are into preparedness, just imagine how much more hard laborious work you will be doing if and when your preparedness plans go into action. You will need at least several pairs of good heavy duty work gloves. And if a true SHTF collapse comes your way, you may need even more than that – depending on the longevity of the collapse.
I must say, when researching good or ‘best’ work gloves, you will discover that there are LOTS of choices out there. Even when looking on Amazon, there are seemingly a zillion of them. I suppose that one wouldn’t really know what’s truly best for them unless they tried them all! While it would be impossible to sample every work glove out there, at least you can go by the old ‘rule of thumb’… ‘you get what you pay for’.
Personally, I have been using Wells Lamont work gloves as my ‘go to’ pair – of which I have many ;) , however even they make a zillion different types of work gloves!
This is the work glove that I have used for the past several years:
Wells Lamont Grain Leather Palm Work Gloves (3300)
-Grain Leather Palm
-Palomino grain leather on the back of the hand
-The seam is at the natural crease of your hand
-Elasticized wrist
-Heavy-duty safety cuff
These gloves are favorably reviewed, and I consider them to be pretty much purposed towards ‘middle-of-the-road’ and a good general pair for all sorts of ordinary tasks – which makes them a great pair for preparedness.
There are MANY other gloves of equal or better quality, but I’ve found these to be pretty much perfect for most things that I do around here – making them ‘the best’ for me…
During the winter I use their insulated version,
Wells Lamont Palm Leather Work Gloves, Insulated Grain Pigskin (5127)
I think one of the things to look for when looking for your own best pair of work gloves is to stick with well known ‘name brands’. Then focus on the palms and the material that is used there (obviously leather will hold up pretty well). Be careful though, because the leather, pigskin, etc.. on the palms may be too thin to make them ‘heavy duty’. This is where the majority of wear will occur so this is what you need them to be strong…
There’s only so much that you can say about good work gloves, so I’ll stop here. The intent is to get you thinking about your own work gloves. Are they good enough to hold up to the tasks of hard use? Many of us prepare for the worst-case, and/or societal collapse into a time of probable hard physical work. Having the right tools to deal with that is going to be a valuable asset to your preps.
Anyone else have recommendations for what (work gloves) have worked well for you?