The Top Gear That You Would Buy For Survival & Preparedness

I would like our readers to respond in the comments below to the following question: “If you didn’t have to worry about the money, what gear would you buy as it relates to survival & preparedness”?
This is sort of like a poll, except you are creating the list.
I don’t know how many times that I have listed various gear and preparedness items here on the blog. But this time I would like YOU to list them.
This might be beneficial for others who are starting in preparedness. Or for sparking new interest or ideas for those who already are prepping.
When enough comments have been input, I will update this article to reflect the gear you’ve chosen for preparedness.
List as many as you would like. If you only feel like recommending 10 things, that’s fine. 50 items? That’s fine too.
You might be specific, or general, it doesn’t matter.
When listing, to make it easier for me and others to read, do not put it all in a run-on sentence or one paragraph. List each item on its own line. In other words, hit the “Enter” key to get a new line space or two, (it reads better that way!)
Ready? Set, Go!…