A Good Pair Of Work Boots

Looking for a good pair of work boots? Well, what’s the recommendation? Recently someone on the blog asked the question and several have responded. It reminded me of this article, so I’m reposting it.
Cutting right to the answer… If it were me, I would stick with a reputable brand. Check reviews too. There are lots of comments below with suggestions.
Someone asked about work boots made in the USA…
Hi All, Interested in recommendations for USA made hiking/rough country boots. My early ’80s REI boots are somewhat ‘old’ (as am I) and I am looking for modern construction/design replacements.
I am not looking for steel toed military/construction boots, more like hiking or light duty backpacking boots.
I have a pair of insulated waterproof (Gore-Tex) Danner military style boots and am looking for an uninsulated ‘light duty’ boot. The Danner Mt. Adams boot looks interesting, however I would like recommendations/thoughts on other brands and styles of USA made boots. The LL Bean style boot is not if interest to me (but will listen to a good argument for it). Thank you.
“DLS, I was in the same situation a couple years back. Ended up going with the old standard, Red Wing Boots. Took some time to break ’em in, but as ya know, they’re excellent quality.”
It’s essential to have at least a pair of good work boots as part of your overall prepping / preparedness. Why? Because the best boots are those which will hold up under the stress of hard use and will stand the test of time. It’s important.
I cannot emphasize enough the fact that there are some things that are worth spending the extra money on, and good boots are one of them.
Why You Need Good Work Boots
Lets face it, from the standpoint of preparedness, if and when things ‘go bad’ we will all be on our feet much more than before. And in many hypothetical scenarios and circumstances this WILL be very significant. Use your own imagination to understand this fact…
A way-of-life that requires physical assertion, lots of walking, climbing, working in potentially adverse conditions, are going to require the best protection for your feet.
If you are already living a full or partial lifestyle of homesteading, you probably know quite well how important your work boots are. You probably even have a variety of boots for different purposes.
For example, in addition to my own various pairs of ‘work boots’ I always have a pair of Muck Boots – which are a great investment (to keep your feet dry in the ‘muck’!). I use them a-lot around here.
‘Cheap’ boots will wear out faster (some, really fast) and will damage much quicker than better work boots. They will likely not be very comfortable – especially if wearing them for a long time, and may even cause blisters. It boils down to the design, construction and materials methodologies.
With that said, that is where good work boots stand out… A superior design, superior construction, and superior materials. As you search, you will discover an enormous array of styles – each attempting to appeal to your tastes, and many with purpose-designs towards a particular application our ‘use-case’ scenario.
One big difference between various boots that I have found over the years is the construction of the arch within the boot. Once you’ve worn a good boot (or shoe) with really good arch support and comfort, you will know what I mean. It makes a big difference.
I believe that most of us take our feet for granted. Until you’ve developed a blister, or slipped and twisted an ankle, or some other debilitating action that takes you off your feet, you will not appreciate the importance of being able to get around!
Good Work Boot Recommendations
Lets hear from your personal experiences or recommendations for good work boots in the comments below.
My general recommendation in this case is the following:
1. A good brand name! In this case, it is generally safe to say that buying a well-known very good brand name will assure that you’re getting a quality boot. Why? Because the fact that they’ve been around so long and have established a good reputation means that they are not going to damage that reputation by manufacturing an inferior product.
2. Read the reviews! While reading the manufacturers marketing feature-set is one thing, you will get the ‘real scoop’ by reading customer reviews. Amazon is always a great resource for this.
A few specific recommendations:
Danner Boots are considered one of the best. They make LOTS of variety. Seems that every one of their boots are rated between 4 – 5 stars (the best). I searched them and discovered that this particular work/hiking boot seems to have the highest number of reviews (indicating its general popularity).
What are YOUR recommendations for quality brand names for work boots?