Planetary Alignment With Pyramids Of Giza

No matter what you may think about the significance (or lack thereof) of a very interesting planetary alignment on December-3 2012, the fact is… it is happening and seems fairly remarkable.
On 12.3.12, the layout of the three pyramids of Giza in Egypt will line up (exactly) with the position of the planets Saturn, Venus, and Mercury.
The planets will not be floating directly over the pyramids in alignment (like some of the images I’ve seen floating around the internet), however the position of the planets themselves in the early morning sky will pattern exactly with the layout of the pyramids.
I was suspicious myself, so I decided to do my own due diligence. Besides, I enjoy a bit of astronomy now and again…
First, using the free program ‘Stellarium’, which shows stars, planets, and other space objects with relation to a time, date, and geographical position, I set the program location for the coordinates of Giza, Egypt. Then, after setting the date to the early morning DEC-3, looking WSW, I captured the image of the planetary positions of Saturn, Venus, and Mercury.
Then, using Google Earth, I zoomed in on the location of the three Giza pyramids and captured that image.
Finally, I adjusted the relative image size to see if the three planets truly lined up to the same pattern as the three Giza pyramids. The result is shown in the image at the top of this article, and as you can see, they do line up.
Is it meaningful? Who knows… It is a curious observation to say the least.
To take it further… I found this factoid… there are 25,920 Minutes from December 3, 2012, 11:11am to December 21, 2012, 11:11am. 25,920 is also apparently the length of time, or close? (years) for the Precession of the Equinox… and is the same length of time of the Mayan calendar… which ends on DEC-21 2012. Interesting symmetry, yes?
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