Best Firesteel Rod For Survival

The. Best. Firesteel. It’s made by the same company making them for the U.S. Military. The U.S. Military has exacting standards – they are putting lives on the line. So you know beyond a doubt what this company sells is the Real Deal.
They are a sponsor here, and have been with us for many years. Visit and look at the many firesteels to choose from.
Just wait until I tell you about the GobSpark Armageddon!
Who Uses the Rods from ?
- The US Military
- Hikers
- Hunters
- Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts
- Survivalists
- Preppers
- Outdoor enthusiasts
- Bushcrafters
- and everyone else who wants a reliable way to start a fire
FireSteel – What Makes It The Best?
- Rare Earths
- Balanced formula for softness-hardness
- Form and Function.
Rare Earth Elements
Rare Earths. They are what makes good sparks when you scrape a FireSteel rod. Rare Earths are expensive. Cheap rods skimp on Rare Earth elements.
“We DO NOT do that!” says Ron Fontaine of FireSteel. “This is why our FireSteels are the best you can get.”
Not all ferro rods (or ferrocerium rods) are made the same. They are an alloy of iron and cerium. The relative proportions of iron to the other rare earths in the formula (of which Cerium is one) can mean a vast difference in performance.
When you use a FireSteel rod from, you will get a fire because of the massive sparks the rod makes.
The percentage of Rare Earth elements we put in our FireSteel Rods are the highest you can get.
~ from the manufacturer
Buy cheap firesteels, or buy the best – it’s up to you. If you are serious about Survival you cannot go wrong with our FireSteel. But you can go wrong with the cheap crap that is out there – just saying, so you know what to expect.
The Right Balance
The balance between softness and hardness. Their formula strikes the right balance. Softness makes the rods easy to scrape. Hardness makes the rods long-lasting.
The relative “softness” of FireSteel rods. Wen you scrape along the length of the rod, you will get great big blobs of molten metal with which to start your fire.
Who wants to struggle with puny sparks when you want to start a fire? With a FireSteel rod and your prepared tinder, a few scrapes is all it takes to get your fire going when you need it.
Form and Function
All the rods at are made with the same formula. You will get the same *quality* of sparks from each rod, regardless of which exact type you choose.
The amount of sparks is dependent on the amount of material shaved off. You will get bigger gobs of sparks from a larger diameter rod.
They have lots of different types and kits to choose. (visit them here).
Located in Littleton, NH, they make the worlds’ best Firesteel.
GobSpark Armageddon

Buy the best and make sure you can start a fire come what may.
Will you risk your life to save a buck? With a FireSteel you know you have the BEST.
Ask around. FireSteels are the Real Deal, the BEST you can get hands down.
A fire can save your life!
From an email on their site:
[name removed for security reasons]
Special Agent
Office of Special Investigations Anti/Counter Terrorism Unit
USAF Special Operations Command
“Its been a few years since my last order and I just got a box from you. The [firesteel] is great. I have been training intel officers after my 4 tours to Iraq and 3 to the Afghan Hills.
I am using the fire steels in both the field ops and SERE parts of the intel training….They were slowly whittled down over the years.
We [had] one pilot stand on a mountain scraping his fire steel as a signal. The PJs saw the sparks 2 miles away. We even ignited time fuse with one to set off an IED.”
Why Should I Have (at least) One Firesteel?
- Matches can become damp and useless.
- Lighters run out of fuel or break.
- Old fashioned flint and steel can be difficult to master.
- FireSteel is lightweight, compact, and easy to use.
- One firesteel can start thousands of fires.
Don’t get me wrong… you SHOULD have more than one way to start a fire in your survival kit / fire kit. A good quality firesteel is one of many good tools for your own kit.
They have many styles, sizes, and shapes to choose. I suggest that you visit their site and have a look. If you ever buy something from them, tell-em you came from Modern Survival Blog… Thanks.
[ Read: A Fire Starter Kit List ]
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