Get Emergency Food NOW – Before It’s Too Late

get emergency food now before it's too late

Emergency food. Get it NOW, before it’s too late. Emphasis on the ‘now’. Why get it now? I’ll tell you why… It has to do with the way that the system is set up. When the $hit hits the fan, so to speak, it’s either too late to get more food, or it will be too late within a very short period. And that short window will be dangerous.

Let’s look at this. The process of getting food. You get in your car, go to the grocery store, collect your food, and pay for it on the way out. Where’s the problem in this process? Well, normally there is not a problem. However, there certainly could be, and it would be too late at that point. Let me explain. It’s pretty simple, but a critical thing to understand. Don’t let normalcy bias bite you in the ass. Here’s what I mean…

A primary attack vector is the electric power grid. I can guarantee that the power grid is a primary focus of any enemy. As I write this post today, the world stage is set for war, and the power grid should be a big concern for you and me. Upon escalation, the power grid WILL be attacked. Count on it.

Which brings me back to the process of getting food. I don’t care if you are paying with cash, debit, or credit. The result will be the same. That is, no power, no groceries. You put your food on the conveyor belt. The power goes out. You have a fist full of cash ready to pay. But the cashier says no, sorry, the registers are all down. Too late for you.

“But I have cash”, you might say… Well, sorry about that, all payments funnel through electronic channels, and if any part of that chain doesn’t work – you are outta luck. No food for you. I hope you have a well-stocked food inventory to fall back on for when you get home. Otherwise, you’re going hungry.

I know that you know this. EVERYTHING today is electronic, requiring a power grid to operate our systems infrastructure. However, there’s a problem that almost everyone has (including me at times). Normalcy bias. We here in the U.S. have never been attacked by an adversary in such a way as this. We feel quite comfy and safe. The thought of direct attacks upon our soils doesn’t even ‘register’.

I’m here to tell you, it would be prudent to wake up, open your eyes wide, and look around. We are absolutely living in the most dangerous time of our lives. I do believe that time is short to shore up your reserves, including your food.

As I have said numerous times before, if nothing happens (though I surely believe that it will), food is food. It will not be wasted. It’s better than ordinary ‘insurance’. It’s an asset that will be in your physical possession.

I have plenty of posts here on the blog about how to go about it. Browse the Survival Kitchen and Preps categories. My point is to get off your butt and do a preps check. How much food do you have? I hope that it’s at least 3 months for your household. 6 months is better. 1 year is better yet. It’s a matter of your personal risk-tolerance threshold.

Get your emergency food now, before it’s too late.

[ Read: Best Emergency Survival Food Companies Short List ]