List Of Favorite Reference Books For Preparedness & Homesteading

Survival, Preparedness, Homesteading skills. There are MANY potential topics therein! The question is, “What are your recommendations for reference books in this regard?”
I have purchased a number of survival / homesteading / preparedness-related reference books over the years. I’m not talking about novels (which I also have my fair share). Rather, books for referencing “how-to”, etc..
Here’s one of the first books I purchased many years ago. It remains quite popular today. Here’s the latest edition:
The Encyclopedia Of Country Living
(view on amzn)
Another popular reference book for (medical) preparedness is the classic by Joseph and Amy Alton:
The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide For When Help Is Not On The Way
(view on amzn)
Or what about this one which we purchased a number of years ago (one of our home canning reference books). Here’s the latest edition:
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
(view on amzn)
There are LOTS of books for preparedness & homesteading reference. And lots of areas of interest.
I am interested to gather your recommendations. That will enable me to update this post with a preferred list based on your input (not just my own).
It will help those who who happen upon this post at a later time through a web search or just searching this site…
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