How to Put Out a Grease Fire

Knowing how to put out a grease fire, you also need to know that a fire needs 3 things to burn. Heat, Oxygen, Fuel.
A fire will keep growing until one of those is removed.
Safest Way to put out a grease fire
If a grease fire is burning in a pan:
Do Not Panic! You can do this…
Here’s how…
1. Put on Oven Mitts to protect your hands.
2a. Slide the pan’s lid across the top to smother the flames.
2b. Or, use a cookie sheet and Slide it over the top of the burning pan.
3. Shut off the burner to stop adding heat.
4. Leave the pan alone and don’t remove the lid until it has cooled completely.

Grease Fire Extinguisher
Use a class B or BC or ABC Fire Extinguisher.
Like this one, light weight and convenient for the kitchen:
First Alert Fire Extinguishing Aerosol Spray(view on amzn)
The following fire extinguisher is perfect for the kitchen. I have one of these too…
FIRST ALERT Kitchen Fire Extinguisher, White

Note: A Fire Extinguisher may release more pressure than you realize. So start at a distance away and move towards the fire, rather than up-close spraying directly on to the burning grease which could tip the pan and spread the fire.
Fire Blanket
I also keep this in the kitchen, readily accessible just in case there’s a grease fire. A purpose designed 3×3 foot fire blanket.
Fire Blanket, 36 x 36-inch
[ Read: Use A Fire Blanket To Put Out A Grease Fire ]
Baking Soda
Carefully pour a good amount of baking soda onto the grease fire.
Damp Towel
Soak a towel under the faucet, wring out the excess dripping water, and drape over the burning grease pan to smother it. (This is very effective, quick and easy!)
Be sure the towel is not dripping wet! Only damp.
Pouring water on a grease fire will cause it to roar in flames!
Things NOT TO DO with a grease fire
DO NOT move or carry the pan outside, it will fan the flames and risk spreading.
DO NOT douse with water, or milk, etc…
If you do, it will explode into a fireball.
DO NOT throw flour on it because flour is combustible.
NBC TODAY Show: Kitchen Fire Safety
Example of water on a grease fire, Extinguished by using a wet towel
Read the following:
Dual Sensor Smoke Alarm, and Why They Are The Best