English Shortwave Broadcasts to America

I have assembled two charts from raw data of English broadcasting shortwave stations that target the America region; one for the UTC time span of 0000-1200 and the other for 1200-2400 UTC. The charts graphically illustrate the shortwave radio stations in a time scale which makes it relatively easy to discover who is broadcasting (and their frequency) at any given time of the day.
Shortwave Radio listening is a form of communication and information gathering that many people enjoy as a hobby. It is also a method that is of interest to many Preppers who are securing alternative means of receiving information during times of disaster, or simply as an added alternative source to main-stream outlets. While a portion of the broadcasts on shortwave radio are of government origin (e.g. Voice of America, Russia, etc.), it does provide other viewpoints on current events which may be of interest. There are other broadcasts as well, some of which are religious, while others vary.
I hope that you find the charts useful…
If you would like to save a copy to print, for best results, ‘Right click’, and ‘Save Link As’ to your computer. Then you can open it and print a hard copy.
By the way, if you don’t already own a portable battery powered shortwave radio, you might want to consider it…
One of my favorite portables that I own is the Sony ICF-SW7600GR