We All Need A Vacation – What Are Your Favorite Destinations?

The week of July 4th is always popular for vacations, so it got me to thinking about this. We all need a break from our work routines once in awhile. It’s good for one’s health and well being (the tie-in with ‘Modern Survival’)!
Today’s topic is that of our favorite destinations, favorite rest & relaxation activities, the places that we might like to go, things that we might like to do — those which we consider to be a vacation from day-to-day life and routines.
Some people head to the shoreline. Others head to the mountains. Everyone has their own notion of R-&-R.
One’s age seems to affect where they might go on vacation or what they might do. I know that my own vacation preferences have changed over the years (not that I’m ‘old’ yet!)!
It’s good to take a break and “chill out” from time to time, even if you don’t go on a stereotypical vacation. I know that I am guilty of nearly always being involved in projects, chores, work, and sometimes don’t give myself enough of a break to just “stop” and relax.
The clock is always ticking, but don’t let it consume you. Smell the roses!
Okay, what’s your idea of a vacation?
What are your favorite vacation destinations?
Be as general or specific as you want…
When we were younger we would tend to “do” lots of “things” while on vacation – filling (even cramming) the time with all sorts of new activities and experiences. We often ended up being busier than during our normal busy lives!
Nowadays we are more laid back and have a greater appreciation for the vacation experience itself. We enjoy to “soak it all in” for what it is.
Some of the places that we have enjoyed include:
During the years when we lived in California, we spent many summer weeks up in the Trinity Alps vicinity. Really enjoyed camping at Trinity Lake and the little mountain town of Weaverville. Back then we had a boat and would just hang out on the lake. Being so far away from the mainstream summer destinations, the lake was never crowded and had a zillion tributaries to explore, fish, and pull ashore to relax.
I recall one particular vacation when we spent a week in Kauai. Beautiful place. Laid back. Spectacular coastline, clear water, excellent snorkeling, found several secluded coastal areas – enjoyed just walking the coastline looking at the coral. Got stopped at the airport for smuggling out some sand in a Ziploc bag as a memento! (they let me keep it).
During the years in New England we enjoyed time on Cape Cod, especially as kids, although now it has become an insanely crowded destination during the summer. Off-season is MUCH better – but still too busy. I enjoy surf-casting the ocean beaches for Stripers and Blues. I would typically get an off-road permit to get out on the sand with the truck to find where the fish are running (but unfortunately the federal government keeps shutting down more and more access).
Earlier this Spring we went on a cross-country road trip. During that trip we stopped at a number of National Parks. We got to see the Grand Canyon (our favorite so far), Bryce, and Joshua Tree. We are are looking forward to seeing more parks during future vacations. There are some magnificent places to see in our country…
Now we live in the mountains and really enjoy it here. I consider it to be our own vacation spot. But it’s still good to just get away once in awhile. In a few weeks we will be heading out to an interesting destination in Maine. Looking forward to that…
Hopefully I got the ball rolling. Your turn: