Plan Your Evacuation Route Away From Nuclear Power Plants

For those of you who live near a nuclear power plant, and especially if within 50 miles, it might be a good idea to plan your evacuation route (bugout) before such a time when there is a nuclear accident or worse.
I recently received an email from someone who came across an earlier article here on MSB which included a map that I put together of all nuclear power plants in the United States with a 50 mile radius circle drawn around each one.
Nuclear Power Plant Meltdown – 50 Mile Radius
The person brought up a good topic suggestion that there are many people (tens of millions +) who live within a potentially dangerous vicinity of a nuclear reactor or multiple nuclear power plants – and if there ever was a disastrous situation whereby one or more of these plants began to “leak” (or worse) then it would be prudent to know an evacuation route which keeps you at least 50 miles away from any of them as you head towards a predetermined bugout location.
I recently read a New York Times article which reports “Hackers Are Targeting Nuclear Facilities, Homeland Security Dept. and F.B.I. Say”.
“The hackers appeared determined to map out computer networks for future attacks, the report concluded. But investigators have not been able to analyze the malicious “payload” of the hackers’ code, which would offer more detail into what they were after.”
Note: In 2008, an attack called Stuxnet that was designed by the United States and Israel to hit Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facility, demonstrated how computer attacks could disrupt and destroy physical infrastructure. Think it can’t happen here??
We live in a highly technological world of many countless integrated-computerized systems, many of which provide the lifeblood for our literal survival. The reality is that there are those who wish to bring it all down and it seems that as we slide further into ‘tech’ dependency – the more vulnerable we become.
While one might expect that the security of our nuclear power plant infrastructure is of the utmost priority for the NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission), we should not assume that those barriers will never be breached.
That said, if you are one of those who live near a nuke plant, here’s a simple suggestion:
Have a look at the following maps, get out your own maps or road atlas for your state – region, and figure out an evacuation route that will keep you at least 50 miles away from any of them.
This means that you will need to know where you’re going – to have a destination in mind. Obviously this should not be near any other nuclear power plant! Do you have any friends or relatives who live in a safe region? If not, then at least pick a destination where you might go and then plan your evacuation route.
Map of Power Reactor Sites (U.S. NRC)
For more fine detail while planning your evacuation route around and away from these plants, here is a list of nuclear power reactor units in the United States with links to each one.
NRC List of Nuclear Power Reactor Units
Well that’s today’s food for thought. A safer evacuation route away from nuclear power plants. You do have a Road Atlas in your vehicle right?
One asset to have during a nuclear event would be a radiation detector (Geiger Counter), dosimeter (cumulative dose). Without one you will have no idea how bad it is out there – or when or where the air is safe.
Related article:
iOSAT™ Tablets For Your Nuclear Survival Kit