Preparing For The Next Pandemic Before Others Begin To Panic

It is reasonable and logical to presume that there will be another pandemic sometime in the future. Whether it be the ‘Bird Flu’ virus mutating and crossing over to humans or something else down the road…it will happen at some point. It is sensible to be preparing for the next pandemic.
Photo: A human cell infected with the avian influenza virus H5N1 (blue filaments). Steve Gschmeissner/Science Source
“Scientists have discovered that H5N1, the strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus…only needs a single mutation to readily latch on to human cells found in the upper airway.”
While I do not know how bad the next one will be, I do know what the most recent pandemic did to us. How it affected our supply chains, our economy, our jobs, our lives, and our freedoms. I learned from it. I hope that you have too.
I’ve learned to be skeptical and to dig deeper into the reporting, the science, and the apparent facts. The agendas. The money. Who stands to gain. The actual risks versus perceived risks. The affects of the effects, and how all of that may affect me. I learned a lot about people, fear, politics, and the fragility and interdependence of today’s global supply chains.
I write this today because I sense recent reporting of ‘Bird Flu’ is seemingly following a familiar pattern of hype that we all experienced several years ago with another virus. Whether the hype is justified or not, and while realizing that ‘news’ organizations need ‘click bait’ headlines, I do remain concerned about a new pandemic, be it legit or otherwise…
With that said, my intent is to warn you that there ‘might’ be something coming. And no matter what you think about it, when the reporting and fear of the next pandemic goes ‘viral’, you may be too late for what you should have been doing preparing for the next pandemic.
Lessons Learned From The Last Pandemic
Toilet Paper. People panicked most about the possibility of a toilet paper shortage. I did not expect that. Although I personally had plenty (because I am a prepper), it became quite an issue for others.
When people notice a shortage of something, they will buy more of it. It is human nature. The more of it that people buy, the worse the shortage will become due to “just on time” manufacturing-to-distribution (no extra inventory). The worse that a supply chain is hit, the results are more shortages trickling down to additional shortages of any underlying supporting products or materials. It takes a long time to recover from this spiral.
Politicians. In my view, most politicians are con artists with no special skills other than the con. We the people give them power over us despite that most are ignorant and power hungry. It has become clearly evident what many of them will do when given enough ‘emergency’ power. Beware.
Lock-downs. Most people accepted this with open arms because ‘working’ from home sure seemed more fun than going in to work…and people will accept it again. This destroyed the economy. The next pandemic lock-down may be a financial death knell. ‘Working’ from home won’t be so fun when you lose your job…
Supply Chains are delicate. Global supply chains consist of a vast web of interdependent systems that are also dependent on other supply chains all the way down to their raw materials. Disruptions anywhere along the path will upset it all. Shortages will abound.
Sensible Ideas While Preparing For The Next Pandemic
Number one, take personal responsibility caring for yourself, your family, and your household. Do not blindly take advice, instructions, and mandates without your own due-diligence and research. Please do not believe that politicians are smart at anything other than their (con) artist craft. Be skeptical while seeking actual truth. Be a critical thinker.
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Toilet Paper (and paper towels). TP went first! It will happen again. No shit, I’m not kidding… So stock up now. You’ve been warned :=)
Popular TP
Medicines. I noticed lots of over-the-counter medicines were shorted during the last pandemic. Anything to do with colds, flu, pain relief, etc.. Get what you need now, before the next shortage.
Over The Counter Cold And Flu Medicines
Disinfectants. All types of disinfectant were shorted for obvious reasons. These are highly important products to have during a pandemic!
Hand Sanitizers
As time went on, I observed more and more shortages in all categories. The lock-downs are what really messed everything up with the supply chains. Unfortunately once the lock-downs take place, it’s largely too late – or soon thereafter.
Prepping and preparing for the next pandemic is not that much different than general preparedness except with an emphasis on toilet paper (lol), disinfectants, and medicines while employing common sense prevention tactics such as living a healthy lifestyle, staying away from sick people, and not touching eyes/nose/mouth before washing hands.
I will say this… If we ever get a pandemic that is truly devastating with regards to mortality, what we just went through during the last one will pale in comparison. Your survival may literally depend upon what you can do now, before it ever happens.
Food. More food. Enough for everyone. There won’t be much of any at the grocery stores during a bad pandemic. How long you survive a true SHTF could be directly proportional to how much food you have (and of course the ability to acquire water, your security, and your health).