Safest Places For Preppers To Live When SHTF

Are you a prepper? Consider the factors and criteria for what would be the safest place to live when the SHTF.
SHTF. It’s a common acronym within the prepping and preparedness community for shit-hit-the-fan. Although opinions vary as to the threshold of disruption or disaster to justify using the term, I’ll leave the interpretation up to you. There are many scenarios whereby a SHTF event could wreak havoc among the population.
I generally look at is as a wide reaching impactful and long lasting event, or set of events, that lead to severe challenges of living life as we once knew it. These challenges range from resupplying the essentials of life (food, safe drinking water, supplies, etc.) to personal and home security. Life as we knew it is no more…after a true SHTF.
There’s one very important concept here regarding SHTF. When “it” hits the fan, your environment will become very local. Where you live. Your home. Your neighborhood. Region.
Regardless (almost) of what the SHTF is, or what triggers “it”, an exceedingly important thing will be “where” you are. Where you live. The place. Yes, that will be very important indeed. Will it be safe?
Ideally, You Already Live In The Safest Place

Some of you are motivated towards a high level of preparedness and what may be a relatively safe place to live. If you’re not already living where you think you should be living, well, what can I say… You are the boss of you.
If and when the SHTF, it will be too late to pick up and move. Why? Because establishing a safe place to live is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight.
It is wishful thinking for a lot of people. I get that. There are careers. Obligations. Commitments. Relationships. All sorts of reasons to stay put.
I know from experience that it is not easy to uproot and move. I’ve done it a few times, and in a few big ways (major geographical moves). I know how challenging this is.
Ultimately, I chose a ‘safest’ place for me. But it was also more than that. It was a lifestyle choice too. A preparedness oriented lifestyle, building a homestead of sorts in a small rural community. Nothing fancy, but a place where we will be quite relatively safe during SHTF compared to where most live. It began a new chapter in our lives. We have never regretted it.
The decisions to uproot are never easy. But I can tell you this… Once the decision was made, it became quite exciting and fun. Motivation really kicks in to high gear once you’ve made up your mind! We went through this process 10 years ago. It’s never too late to start.
But What Is The Safest Place To Live? Where Is The Safest Place To Be For SHTF?
I can tell you that there are LOTS and LOTS of safe places to live for SHTF. I’ve driven across this country several times coast to coast and several times top to bottom. Wow, what a big country! Lots and lots of rural space dotted by incredibly population dense regions where most people seem to live.
So, I just gave you a BIG hint. Population density! I’ve written about that subject many times here on the blog. It’s a huge factor when considering safety and survival during a big-time SHTF event. But I’m sure you already know this. More people – more problems.
With that said, I believe it to be the highest priority consideration when considering a safe place to live through SHTF. Get away from people packed like sardines in urban and suburban regions. Most of these people have no contingency plans for SHTF. No preps. No preparedness. The thought has never entered the mind… Which will make them dangerous if and when it all falls down around them…
Your Personal Preferences For Living In A Safer Place
Personal tastes and preferences differ. Lifestyle choices vary. Interests vary. Abilities, desires, skills and talents. Climate and geographical preferences. There are so many variables. The choices are yours to make.
Like I said earlier, there are LOTS and LOTS of ‘safe’ places to live for SHTF!
The place of your choosing may also depend on what you intend to make of it. For example, do you intend to put together a homestead that is self-sustaining to some extent? This places some requirements on the land you choose (for example). Or do you simply want to live somewhere safer, away from so many people.
Factors For Preppers To Consider About Where To Live
With that said, I will brainstorm a few thoughts which should factor into “where” your own “safest” place to live for SHTF might be… In no particular order.
- Population Density (Lower is better!)
- Demographics (Who are the people around you)
- Safe distance from the nearest city or metro region
- Access to water! Preferably on the property
- Climate that favors food production
- Land and soil quality for food production
- Preferably on a private road or not on a main road
- Small community
- Like minded neighbors
- Check the political climate of town and state
- How much land and what’s around your boundaries
- Security perspective, defensible
- Local jobs (if that’s a factor)
- Taxes and affordability
- Not near any military installation ‘targets’
- Not near a nuclear power plant
Remeber this… Water, Food, Shelter, Security. The context of this topic is a safe place for SHTF. Think security. That means people. And that’s all about population density. Your biggest problem during SHTF will be the unprepared people around you. So that should be a priority factor. More people, more problems.
I could go on brainstorming. But I just wanted to provide a few thoughts about the topic of safest places to live when SHTF. It’s never too late to start researching and planning.
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