Food Prices Are Increasing… Wait, I Mean Skyrocketing!

This is no joke! Food prices are increasing at the fastest pace that I have personally observed in my adult lifetime!
I feel compelled to post an article on this current-event topic, categorized under ‘Survival Kitchen’. This really is a ‘modern survival’ topic! What prompted me to put thoughts to keyboard was what I saw today in the grocery section at Super Walmart.
It was today’s price of Ribeye steak compared to what it was less than one year ago (again, at Walmart, not some fancy butcher shop). I’ve been following the price of Ribeye for awhile. Why? Because it’s my favorite steak when I decide to treat myself (grin).
I’ve been seeing the price of all meats quickly going up and up especially this year. I’m sure you have too.
Less than one year ago, Walmart Ribeye steak — with a slight quantity-discount price on a 3-pack (each steak just about a pound) — it was just around $10 a pound.
Today, less than one year later, the same 3-pack costs $18.49 a pound!! I’m not kidding, this has gone up about 80% in less than a year! So, that pack of 3 Ribeye steaks was priced at around $55. Are you freaking kidding me?! At Walmart?
Anyway, I’m glad I’ve got a chest freezer filled with beef, mostly purchased before prices got this crazy. I just couldn’t believe my eyes.
Many Reasons For Higher Food Prices
I know there are a number of factors affecting the increasing prices of food products. Some foods increasing more than others too.
There’s inflation which is really picking up speed right now. The dollar currency is increasingly, and more rapidly, devaluing and worth less due to a number of reasons.
There are all kinds of deep supply chain problems all over the place, and all over the globe. This is worse than you may realize. It’s bad out there. EVERY person I talk to who is in business, is experiencing shortages one way or another.
Not enough people willing to work. There is a real shortage of workers out there right now. Many getting paid more to stay home and ‘collect’, due to various government policies…
At this moment do you know how many container ships are floating offshore of Los Angeles that can’t get in to unload? LOTS!
Not enough truck drivers moving product around either.
Various weather impacts that have cut into food supplies.
Inflation Is Always Passed Down To The Consumer
Regardless of the cause, price increases are always passed down to you, the consumer. Either disguised in smaller quantities, or obvious price increases, the company does not absorb the higher costs. You do. We do.
They can’t hide it any more. It’s egregious. Ridiculous. Can you even imagine what real hyperinflation would look like?
People Are Going To Get Hungry
These increasing food prices are going to affect people. The poor. The middle class too!
When people get hungry, well, people gotta eat, right? Is government going to make up the difference and feed more people? Where are they going to get enough food to do that? And how are they going to pay for it?
This is all going to get worse, it seems. When people are hungry, they’re going to get restless… That’s never good for a society.
What are you seeing out there for higher food prices?
I thought I would throw it out there for comment… We have a good cross-section of regulars from around the country.
What kind of food price increases are affecting you in your region? What’s the worst examples you’re seeing right now? What do you think are the major reasons why food prices are increasing? Do you think this is going to continue? For how long? Is it going to get even worse? What do you see happening as a result?