Hot Chickens – How To Keep Them Cool

ways to keep chickens cool in hot weather

Just like us, chickens get hot too! Summer heat. When it’s hot outside your chickens feel it too.

What do chickens do when they’re hot? And what can you do about it? Well, I can tell you what they do, just based on watching my own flock. Here are a few of my observations…

Chickens Pant When it’s Hot

One thing they do — their beaks are open. You can see the heavy breathing. Sort of panting, like a dog. When it’s hot, chickens pant to help get rid of heat!

Did you know that chickens have a natural body temperature of 107° (F)? They put off a lot of heat and moisture. 

“Unlike humans, chickens don’t sweat, but like humans they depend on evaporation to stay cool – by panting.

As they pant, moisture within the chickens’ lungs evaporates and is moved out of their bodies. This is also why it’s harder for them, like us, to stay cool when it’s humid.”

~ mcmurrayhatchery

Give Them Plenty Of Cool Water

When you see chickens panting, be aware of how the heat is affecting them. Be sure they have enough water. Cool water is better for them when it’s hot. Don’t leave their water in direct sun because it will heat up too much.

Your chickens will drink more water when the water is cool, and the cooler water will be more effective at helping them stay cool.

I keep the main waterer inside their pen area, which is covered and shielded from direct sun. When they are out in the chicken yard, they’ll just go in the pen when they’re thirsty.

Shade Trees and Bushes

Another observation. Especially when it’s hot outside, my chickens love to hang out underneath a particular shady bush. Which itself is underneath a Maple tree. They’ve got a bit of a hole dug out somewhere under there too, where they can lay down in the cool dirt (take a dirt bath).

Speaking of dirt baths, this one is their favorite dirt hole. I wish I had a picture of one of them rolling around in the dirt. It’s hilarious.

Bushes and tall grasses (and tall weeds!) provide shade protection for chickens. Plus, they provide an extent of security from flying predators above.

No one ever said that chickens are very smart. Even when it’s hot, I see them out in their yard scratching for bugs, chasing grasshoppers, all the while panting in the heat.

However the best thing is to simply be sure they have some shade, and cool water. The rest is up to them :=)

So, in the following picture, you can see more of the beneficial things to help keep chickens cool when it’s hot outside.

The coop is built under a shady Maple tree.

The coop has good ventilation on each side at the top. Screened openings. It’s hard to see in the picture because I’ve mounted a “wind break” in front of the vents, which protrudes out about 6 inches. (spoiled chickens)

Their enclosed pen area (the run) is shaded most of the day. Also, they have space underneath their coop which is even more shaded and protected. They do hang out in there often enough…

And I couldn’t resist adding the following picture of a Dachshund chasing a chicken. Sampson, the chicken herder.