What An EMP Will Destroy
An EMP can damage or destroy the electronics underpinnings within a wide variety of devices and systems that we completely depend upon.
An EMP can damage or destroy the electronics underpinnings within a wide variety of devices and systems that we completely depend upon.
Lets consider essential systems within the home such as toilet and sewage, heating systems, and water systems.
The EMP Shield whole house protection will shunt EMP (E1, E2, E3 pulse) in less than 1 nanosecond! Listed by Dept. Homeland Security.
Is a galvanized trash can good enough to actually protect electronic equipment from EMP? Here are my test results…
The Quebec blackout of 1989. Could it happen again? Or worse? Yes, it surely could. And eventually certainly will.
A discussion on what items to keep in a Faraday Cage for protection from EMP, electromagnetic pulse…
Faraday Cage to protect from EMP, electromagnetic pulse. And how to improve dB attenuation for more protection.
Answering the question, Will an EMP destroy electronics that are NOT plugged in to the power grid?
In my opinion, yes, you could know that an EMP may be eminent, or likely, or potentially likely. Here’s my thought…
Nearly 100% of our way of life requires it. Electricity. Here’s a brainstorm list of things, systems, requiring electricity to function.