7 Last Minute Things Before The Power Goes Out (The Prepper vs ‘Others’)

Filed under ‘Lifestyle’, given the many potentially significant differences between the preparedness-minded (some say ‘preppers’) and the mainstream public (‘others’). Lets compare 7 last minute things that each might do, prior to knowing that the power is going to go out.

A hypothetical causation. It’s winter. The forecast calls for a major snow/ice storm. Winds will be gusting. They’re saying that tree limbs and power lines will be coming down from the weight of snow and ice coupled with high winds. They’re saying to prepare for up to several days without power.

What will the typical prepper do? What might the mainstream public (‘other’ person) do?

In no particular order, and for your consideration (and amusement)…

7 Last Minute Things A Prepper Might Do Before The Power Goes Out From Impending Winter Storm

  1. Check the generator for adequate supply of gasoline, and for proper function (e.g. start it up and check), ensure you’ve got the right cords ready for transfer switch or manual hookup.
  2. Get the flashlights/headlamps out of drawers, battery check (get more if needed), get out the hurricane lamps and/or candles, check lamp-oil supply, matches/lighters at the ready.
  3. Get out the battery-powered AM/FM/SW radio, battery check, NOAA weather alert radio – verify batteries are working.
  4. Gas up the snow blower, shovels at the ready, get salt/ice-melt for walkway if needed.
  5. Double check spare 20lb propane tanks are full (e.g. for BBQ/cooking needs and/or Mr.Buddy Heater portable indoor heaters).
  6. Start thinking about meal plans for several days without power or functioning refrigerator. Double check existing food pantry that all is well in that department.
  7. Pick out a book or two for reading by candlelight during the evenings.

Of course, the preparedness-minded lifestyle is synergistic with readiness. The example list above could be just about any logical sensible last minute checks. Point being, there’s likely not any hurried trips to ‘the store’ involved out of necessity. Rather, a calm approach to the upcoming power outage.

7 Last Minute Things Others Might Do Before The Power Goes Out

  1. Run out and get bread, milk, and eggs (because that’s what you always do before a storm, right?).
  2. Make a run to the liquor store to ensure plenty of booze is on hand.
  3. If able, run out to get Fireworks for the lights-out Block Party
  4. While out, stop and pick up plenty of D-cell batteries for the Boom Box
  5. Then stop at the pot-store to ensure plenty of weed on hand, and then zip over to the 7-11 for party-size bags of Lays
  6. On the way home, pull in and grab 6 Dozen Dunkin Donuts for Breakfasts.
  7. Finally, after getting home, call Domino’s to pre-order deliveries for Pizza and Cheese Sticks for while the power is out (they do that, right?)

Add your own thoughts in the comments below…

[ Read: Indoor Emergency Heater For Power Outages ]

[ Read: Winter Survival Gear For Your Vehicle ]