How To Get Somewhere In Life – Start Thinking About It…

If you want to know how to get somewhere in life, the first (and very important / essential) step is to start thinking about it. Let me explain…
Like achieving any goal, it always begins with thought. The more that you think about it, whatever it is, or where you want to go in life (for example) – the more likely you will become motivated into action.
Your thoughts become words.
Your words become actions.
Actions become character.
Your character becomes your legacy.
Note that time spent ‘thinking’ is different from time spent ‘reacting’. Many people go through life reacting to the world around them. They are subliminally pushed and pulled in various directions and subsequent actions. Like a leaf in the wind. Subject to their environment which chooses the direction for them…
Spend Time Thinking. Maybe it’s “how to get somewhere in life”. Or where you want to go. It might simply be your next goal. Your thoughts have lots to do with eventuality. Thoughts lead to actions. Those actions eventually stack up to become ‘you’, and who you are. Maybe you’ve heard this… “You are what you think about”.
So if you want to make a change in life, all you have to do (at first) is to start thinking about it. I mean really spend time thinking about it. And then think some more. And more. Self-awareness. What you focus on magnifies. Action will result…
Tip: Knowing that one’s character is eventually formed by actions, which are formed by thoughts and words, you might ‘watch what you think’.
If you want to get ‘somewhere’ specific in life, start ‘thinking’ about it!
[ Read: Don’t Let Fear Of The Unknown Stop You From Trying New Things ]