Prepping and Preparedness Level 1-4 Series Overview

Prepping & Preparedness Level 1 - 4 article series

Prepping Series Overview

Prepping, in the context of preparedness. Proactively being prepared for emergencies, disruptions, and the sometimes bad circumstances that life may throw at us.

This Prepping Level 1 – 4 article series is designed to specifically address the most important topics within general preparedness. Not all topics. But those I believe are the most important to address. I have split the series into four levels.

  • prepping for 1 – 2 weeks of disruption
  • being prepared for 1+ months on your own
  • prepping for 1 year of survival
  • self-sustainability to the extent possible

First let me say this… There are nearly lots and lots of articles here on Modern Survival Blog. Many of them cover a wide variety of prepping and survival preparedness-related topics. Use the SEARCH functionality (up top near the MENU area) to type in your own topics of interest. You might uncover some helpful information. There’s lots of additional help within the comments of each article too. Also, simply browse the categories within the MENU, which offer a sampling of some of the popular topics here on the blog.

Okay, lets get started at Level 1 prepping. It’s easy. And move on from there (Level 2 requires more effort, but it’s reasonably attainable).

There really is no clear road map out there. Though I am attempting to provide one here! You might be wondering about priorities of preparedness – prepping. Or maybe you just don’t want to make any costly mistakes that you might regret later.

Well here are my own guidelines for prepping. I will be writing an ongoing series of article topics as we progress.

Remember, prepping slow and steady. Avoid costly mistakes. Focus on priorities first.

Here’s the basic overview for each level:

Prepping Level 1 (Prepping for 1-2 Weeks)

>> View Prepping Level 1 Articles
(Look for, and read the Level 1 Overview article first)

This is the most basic level of prepping and the easiest to achieve!

In fact, it’s so easy that you have little excuse not to get it done :=)

It won’t cost much money. It won’t require any special skills beyond having some common sense and doing a few things.

Level 1 preppping will cover you for the majority of the “most likely to occur” emergencies or disruptive events in day-to-day life.

Sadly, the majority of people are not even up to Level 1 preppping. Most of modern society live a lifestyle of “here and now” consumption. Keeping only enough food on hand to last just several days. Maybe a week. That’s it…

Additionally, most people have a strong normalcy bias. Assuming that food, supplies, and services will always be readily available. The thought of preparedness does not enter into consciousness. Don’t let that be you!

Prepping Level 2 (Prepping for 1+ Months)

>> View Prepping Level 2 Articles
(Look for, and read the Level 2 Overview article first)

There are disasters that come along once in awhile that can be very disruptive and affect someone (or a region) in very difficult ways. While these events may be less likely to occur, the fact is they can happen, and do happen.

I compare this level to being prepared for something like a major weather event that leaves the infrastructure of a region badly damaged for a period beyond just one or two weeks.

No electricity. Supply chains disrupted into the region. People maybe stuck in their homes for quite awhile. Relying on what they have on hand without a working infrastructure. Things will get fixed. However, it’s going to take some time. It’s not the end of the world. But it won’t be easy for several weeks, a month, or even longer…

A major regional earthquake could fit into this category too (though this type of event could lead to Level 3!). I wonder how many who live along major earthquake fault zones are adequately prepared? Probably not too many…

A personal financial setback. A job loss in the household. The ability to rely on a well stocked inventory during that rough patch (for example).

There are a number of additional and important concerns beyond Level 1 prepping and survival preparedness when considering disruption for several weeks or a month. I will be discussing them within article topics related to Level 2 prepping.

Prepping Level 3 (Prepping for 1 Year)

>> View Prepping Level 3 Articles
(Look for, and read the Level 3 Overview article first)

The period of time ranging from 1 month to 1 year is a very wide range. I chose this timeline to be Prepping Level 3. When you are preparing for disruption (collapse) beyond 1 month and into 3 months or more, regardless whether it’s 3 months, 6 months, etc… you are essentially in the same mindset and same “mode” of survival.

If you’re reaching into your preps due to a Level 3 event, there has been some serious collapse / SHTF that has occurred! It may seem VERY UNLIKELY for this to occur. But one never knows…

This will be way beyond Level 1 or 2. The timeline here will potentially become downright dangerous. As a result, security will be a much bigger factor. The uncomfortable reality will be that many, many people around you will be desperate. And many may even lose their lives. However you can get through it. How? By being prepared.

I believe that many current preparedness-minded people who have been at it for awhile are somewhere within this category, Level 3. When preparing for contingencies during a period of societal collapse, there are lots of very serious topics of concern. I will be writing about them as we delve into Level 3 prepping.

Prepping Level 4 (Self Sustainability)

Time period: Self-sustaining (or as close as one can get)

>> View Prepping Level 4 Articles
(Look for, and read the Level 4 Overview article first)

Self-sustaining (my definition with reference to prepping) : maintaining or able to maintain oneself or household by independent efforts, best coupled within a like minded self–sustaining community. Picture the “old days” of self reliance. You simply had to get it done to survive.

Level 4 is the ultimate in prepping & preparedness. A big transition. To progress from being supplied and secured for 1 year, to actually being relatively or mostly self-sustaining is huge. And VERY difficult.

To prepare at this level implies one of two things. Either you’re preparing for a colossal disaster (Example: A major war. Or a major financial collapse. This could certainly lead to a Level 4. Shortages, etc.. ). Or, maybe you just want to strive towards living as self-sufficient as possible! It can be do-able, and rewarding. But requires quite a commitment. Lots of time and effort.

The desire to live a self-sufficient lifestyle. It’s quite a motivation. Additionally, there’s the satisfaction that goes along with being independent from external systems that everyone else relies upon to literally keep them alive!

When you think about it, many of our ancestors were Level 4 preppers by default! It was just the way it was if you wanted to survive. Today however, most everyone in current modern society would surely perish without a working infrastructure. And they wouldn’t have a clue what to do if that infrastructure went away…

Articles within Level 4 prepping and survival preparedness will get into the topics of “getting off the grid”. Self reliance. Self sufficiency. And the major issues surrounding what it actually takes to make it on your own (or as close as one can get).