LifeStraw Review – 10 Benefits – And The Newer ‘LifeStraw Go’

LifeStraw is a compact portable water filter. It enables you to drink straight from rivers and lakes, or from a container filled with water that you’ve scooped up from that water source.
The way it works is simple – just place the bottom of the LifeStraw in the water, and sip through the top end. It’s basically a straw with a built-in filter.
Note: A water filter is a preparedness “must have”.
(Check out the Lifestraw here)
Here are 10 benefits and specifications of the LifeStraw drinking water filter:
LifeStraw Advantages & Specifications
1. Its’ easy to use! Just drink directly from a river, stream, lake, etc..
2. Contains no chemicals, and is BPA free.
3. Has no moving parts.
4. Portable and very light weight 2 ounces (57 grams), measuring 9″ long and 1″ diameter.
5. 1 year manufacturer’s warranty.
6. Filters 264 gallons (1,000 liters) to 0.2 microns.
7. Removes 99.9999% of waterborne bacteria, including E. coli (>LOG 6 reduction).
8. Removes 99.9% of waterborne protozoan parasites, including Giardia & Cryptosporidium (>LOG 3 reduction).
9. Has a proven history of being used in the harshest conditions and developing countries since 2005.
10. The Lifestraw has gained recognition and awards from: Time Magazine’s Invention Of The Year – 2005, Saatchi & Saatchi Award for World Changing Ideas – 2008, Well-Tech 2006 Innovation Technology Award, “Gadgets for Disaster Zones” BBC May – 2011.
TIP: Don’t let it freeze when wet, damp, or moist (having used it recently) or the filter membrane will likely crack.
How To Clean Your LifeStraw
After every use, backflush it by blowing a breath of air back into the mouthpiece to purge all remaining water trapped within the filter. If you have access to clean water, suck some into the filter and backflush it again. Give it a few shakes and leave both ends uncapped to air dry at room temperature.
There are a number of good small portable water filters out there. This brief LifeStraw review suggests that it’s affordable and small enough to keep in your bag during any hiking trip, a bug-out-bag, 72-hour emergency kit, or any backwoods adventure or outdoor recreation. I personally keep this water filter (and others) as part of my various kits.
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter
‘LifeStraw Go’ water filter
There are two potential issues with the original Lifestraw:
1. You have to bend over (or lay down on the ground) to drink from a body of water.
2. When you leave that body of water, you have no water with you. Although you may choose to carry a water container for this purpose (dip the LifeStraw in it when you need a drink).
the ‘LifeStraw Go’ (CHECK IT OUT HERE)
It’s a LifeStraw inside of a water bottle. Problem solved!
Read more: Travel Berkey – Smallest Berkey Countertop Water Filter.
Read More: The Sawyer Mini Water Filter