Prepping and Preparedness Brings Peace of Mind

prepping and preparedness

Prepping and preparedness. Be it a ‘once and done’, or be it a lifestyle. Prepping and preparedness brings with it, peace of mind. It’s a natural byproduct. When you make the decision to take that first step towards being better prepared, you will begin to experience a pleasant, calming, yet powerful, ‘peace of mind’.

Prepping and Preparedness can be a sort of ‘one and done’. Procuring extra consumables for a ‘bump in the road’, just in case. And that’s okay if that’s the extent taken. At least there has been some action, and hopeful mitigation! This certainly will be some peace of mind.

It can also become a lifestyle. It’s not that your life will change all that much (though maybe it will if you take it further). Rather, your outlook and priorities (and your decision making process) might shift a bit.

Recognizing risks and gaps. Beginning with the likelier types and filling those holes, and moving on to greater risks and their associated fixes. I used to say that many of the bigger risks are less likely to occur. Although that may be statistically accurate, it sure does seem like some of these ‘big’ one’s are increasingly likely in our current world environment! But I digress..

Prepping and Preparedness can be a rewarding journey. Balancing one’s modern-day lifestyle with self reliance, independent thought and critical thinking, self responsibility, and preparedness for ‘just in case’.

The more that you do for yourself, your household, etc.. in this regard, the better you will feel about your situational security and well being. It’s natural to feel good when you’re accomplishing prepping and preparedness goals by your own hands, so to speak.

You might begin to notice and see things (news, events, realities, systemic risks) in a different shade of light than before. You may begin to see through the marketing, ‘messaging’, and propaganda all around, as you dig deeper for truths. Prepping and preparedness has a way of making you more of an independent minded person. And that’s a good thing in my view.

As you further your journey, you may also become more focused on self reliance and sustainability. That sure does bring more peace of mind!

In closing, we sure do live in uncertain times right now. When things don’t feel quite right, it’s normal to circle the wagons. To feel like hunkering down.

The thing of it is.. the longer you’ve been active in prepping and preparedness, the less the feeling of “oh shit!”. Because you’ve established yourself a sort of security blanket which lies over the broad spectrum of all your prepping and preparedness along your journey. A peace of mind.

[ Read: Prepping For Reasons Other Than Fear ]