The Many Uses For Ziploc Bags

Ziploc bags have a zillion practical uses, not only for food storage (leftovers, etc..) but also for organizing, keeping things dry, and so on..
The following list of random practical uses for Ziploc bags will hopefully inspire ideas. Let’s hear from you too with your own uses for a Ziploc bag…
By the way, most all of my bags are the Freezer style (heavier duty).
Ziploc bags can be used for:
A fresh sandwich.
Storing leftover food.
Holding a map while hiking, to keep dry. Map folded in such a way to see the current terrain through the Ziploc bag.
Keeping tinder dry in your kit or in a pack while on the move, so as to facilitate an easier process of building a fire.
Holding a fire-starter, matches, lighter, etc.. to keep dry in kit or a pack.
Scooping and holding water (as a sealed cup), and/or using the SODIS process to purify.
Making a block of ice.
Keeping small portable electronic devices dry (e.g. cell phone).
Storing a roll of toilet paper for your emergency kit, or moist towelettes.
Storing a bunch of food bars for your kit.
Keeping extra cash dry.
Use as a funnel. Fill the bag with whatever you need funneled, and simply pour.
Clothes. Keep fresh pair of socks, etc.. dry while on the go (in your pack).
Marinating your favorite meat.
Keeping medications dry.
Store some dry ammo.
Keep a handgun dry.
Fill up a gallon size Ziploc bag with air for use as a pillow (wrap in a towel for comfort).
Batteries. I use quart size for AA, another for AAA, etc..
Mini First Aid Kit.
Firestarter Kit.
Ziploc Omelet’s: Here’s an interesting use that was input some time ago from a MSB reader…
Two eggs in a zip lock FREEZER quart bag. Gotta be the freezer bag or it won’t be heavy enough. Do this at home before you go camping, that way you don’t have a mess. Make as many bags as your group will individually need. Take fixin’s in separate bags.
Boil water in a medium size pan or kettle large enough to hold a full quart bag. Add fixens to taste – easy to customize each person’s omelet this way – cheese, mushrooms, peppers, bacon, whatever. Mix ’em up and drop one bag at a time into the boiling water for about 3 minutes each.
You can pull the zip lock omelets out, let them cool for a few minutes and pass ’em out with plastic forks. Eat ’em right outtta the bag! When it’s empty – dishes are done! Gotta love it.
Best Price Per Bag?
Gallon Size
Quart Size
There are so many ‘keep dry’ and ‘organize’ uses for Ziploc bags, but can you think of any additional unique uses with regards to preparedness, or your emergency kit, etc.. ?
( A Trick To Pulling More Air While Sealing A Ziploc Bag )
[ Read: Ziploc Bag First Aid Kit ]
[ Read: Fire Starter Kit in a Ziploc Bag ]