FEMA says, Get A Survival Kit

FEMA says, Get a Survival Kit

This is a ‘re-post’, reminder that FEMA served up a public service announcement suggesting that we all get a survival…

Emergency Preparedness Kits

Emergency Preparedness Kits

Emergency Preparedness Kits: HOW LONG UNTIL HELP OR RECOVERY You may have to survive on your own after an emergency….


Survival Kit (US Marines)

MARINE CORPS ORDER 1543.3 specifies the ‘SK’ (survival kit). It contains components that provide the user with the ability to…


Survival Kit (US Army)

SURVIVAL KIT The ‘environment’ is the key to the types of items you will need in your survival kit. Where…


Keep A Hard-Copy Contacts List

I’m serious, to help ensure timely communications during disruption, everyone should have a hard copy of all their contacts from…