A Work Survival Kit For An Emergency

Many people spend much of their day away from home, ‘at work’. A typical full time job puts you ‘at work’ about 1/3 of your available time. So, it makes sense to have a work survival kit. A survival kit for the workplace. For just in case…
When planning for preparedness, odds are that you might be at work during a given emergency situation.
While you might have a 72 hour emergency kit stored away in your vehicle (you do, right?), what about putting together a specific work survival kit?
A ’72 hour kit’ in your vehicle (highly recommended) could also serve you while ‘at work’ (assuming you drive to work). However, it may be a good idea to tailor a specific emergency survival kit to be kept at work. Maybe in a desk drawer, or wherever you have a bit of personal space.
Why? Because you never know when you might be temporarily stranded a work.
Here are some brainstorm ideas, some of which you might consider to keep in a work survival kit:
List Of Things You Might Keep For A Work Survival Kit
- Comfortable walking shoes (as opposed to ‘dress’ shoes).
- Backpack (in case you have to walk out).
- Blanket, in case you have to sleep there.
- Toothbrush & toothpaste.
- A change of clothes and underwear (comfortable).
- Sanitary supplies
- Bottled water.
- Small water filter.
- Rain Poncho or Umbrella.
- Emergency Whistle.
- Pocket knife.
- Ready-to-eat foods that do not require cooking.
- Canned foods can be eaten without cooking. Consider pull-top cans.
- Manually operated hand can-opener.
- Canned meats such as Beef, Chicken.
- Dried ‘Jerky’.
- Peanut Butter (very calorie dense), stores well.
- Energy food bars.
- Quarters and dollar bills for the snack (vending) machine.
- Fork, Spoon, and Knife (be civilized).
- Energy bars (e.g. CLIF bars).
- LED flashlight or Headlamp, extra batteries.
- Glow-sticks.
- Local street (and regional) map.
- First Aid supplies (basics).
- Medicine kit (prescriptions if applicable, pain relievers)
- Portable battery powered radio (for news & info.)
- Fire-starter (lighter, or other).
- Season appropriate outerwear (jacket, gloves, hat).
- Folding bicycle in the trunk/bed of your vehicle.
Again, if you drive to work, you should keep some preps in your vehicle. Take into consideration that you might have to walk out. That said, do consider keeping additional survival kit items inside your workplace if you can.
The list above could get out-of-control. However depending on your available space, you should be able to choose a few things to keep for your own work survival kit, just in case…