Uses For White Vinegar


Vinegar. There are lots of uses for vinegar. It’s cheap, and a great product to have on hand for a number of reasons – not the least of which is general preparedness (for its multiple uses).

Many of you have probably used vinegar with foods (salad dressings, etc..). But it also has many other uses such as being a popular ingredient in many household cleaners.

Practical Uses For White Vinegar

There are many alternative uses for vinegar. Here is a list of a few that may be of interest.

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Clean windows. I notice that ‘Windex’ now has their window cleaning product with vinegar.
Clean rust off of tools by soaking them in undiluted vinegar overnight to remove the rust.

Corn or callus remover by soaking a piece of cloth in white vinegar and secure it over the corn or callus overnight.

Sore throat remedy by mixing one tablespoon of vinegar with one glass of water. Gargle once an hour, then swallow the mixture.

Relieve itching by soaking a cotton ball or gauze pad with the vinegar. Dab onto the itchy area, for example, from a mosquito bite and it will help relieve the itching. Vinegar will also help reduce the itching and burning pain from sunburn.

Relief for colds by mixing one-quarter cup Apple Cider Vinegar with one-quarter cup honey. Take one tablespoon six to eight times daily.

Cure an upset stomach by drinking two teaspoons Apple Cider Vinegar in one cup water.

Use in laundry to cut soap.

Marinating meat in vinegar kills bacteria and tenderizes the meat.

Clean and disinfect wood cutting boards by wiping with full strength vinegar.

Cut grease on dishes by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to hot soapy water.

Replace a lemon by substituting 1/4 teaspoon of vinegar for 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Prepare fluffier rice (rice and beans, right?) by adding a teaspoon of vinegar to the water when it boils.

Soak new propane lantern wicks in vinegar for several hours. Let dry before using. Will burn longer and brighter.

Cleaning the coffee pot. Use instead of water. Run it through twice, and then run plain water to get rid of taste. Run different water to make coffee.

Removing adhesives. Cheaper than Goo Gone and similar.

Weed killer.

Wine stains.

Cleaning the grease around the stove.

Clean the floor with it. Mix with water and mop the floor with it. (Mrs. J does this with her own homemade ‘Swiffer’ recipe.

Cure hiccups. 1 teaspoon.

Clean glass. Vinegar mixed with water is a great glass cleaner.

Clean hard water deposits. Vinegar with baking soda in your dishwasher.

Clear a clogged drain. Vinegar and baking soda may help clear a clogged drain (put baking soda in drain then add vinegar and allow it to ‘boil’, then rinse with hot water).

Repel flies. Mop your floors with vinegar and water to repel flies.

Eliminate dandruff. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar after shampooing to eliminate dandruff.

Cure athletes foot. Apply directly to the affected skin.

Keep chickens healthy. Raw apple cider vinegar containing the ‘mother’ (the dark, cloudy substance found in the vinegar) is great for keeping your chickens healthy. It prevents several diseases caused by bacteria & fungus. Add 2 TBSP to a gallon of water for ill birds and half that for maintenance. (don’t use metal water containers with vinegar, because it will corrode)

[ Read: Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits For Your Health ]

[ Read: Ratio of White Vinegar & Water | Kill Germs on Fresh Vegetables ]