Tools For The Woods – Shovel, Hatchet, Bowie, Saw

While out in the woods – perhaps on an overnight (or longer) excursion – there are some tools which you might consider bringing along to help you build shelters and build fires.
The question is, what are some of these tools?
Trench Shovel
Digging trenches for rainwater runoff around your shelter /tent. Maybe to dig a Dakota fire hole. Lots of uses.
This is THE TOOL that all others are measured by. Yeah, sure, you’ve seen the folding shovels in the sporting goods section at the big box stores. Don’t they look kind of cheap and flimsy?
Ever thought about actually needing a shovel when you are miles from nowhere? What if the first time you use that cheap folding shovel – it breaks? Yep, that’s what the cheap ones do.
That’s why I suggest getting a good one. It will last a lifetime with ordinary care.
Maybe this one?
US Military Issue Entrenching Shovel
Gerber – Bear Grylls Survival Hatchet
What about a full tang, no welds, stainless steel compact hatchet?
The ability to turn out firewood or help you to improvise building a shelter. One that’s not too heavy, but not too light either… Rugged enough to get the job done.
Bowie Knife
High Carbon S.S. Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife
A Bowie knife may be a priceless tool in the woods.
For chopping brush, branches, digging, cutting. Making tinder, kindling, feather stick for fire. Processing food, carving, making shelter. Countless uses.
Folding Saw
Would a folding backpacker’s saw help in the woods? A serious saw like this one – when folded up the sharp blade is hidden, so you don’t need to put it in any sort of case or sleeve. This, and a reliable fire starter, you’ll be all set for fire-making.
We could all load up our packs pretty quickly if we get ‘carried away’ with all sorts of gear. But within the confines of building a shelter or procuring wood for a fire, these ‘tools’ for the woods will certainly help!
Read more: A Fire Starter Kit List
Read more: Best Knife For Batoning Wood – How to, and What for…