Thin Veneer Of Civilization

The thin veneer of civilization. It truly is thin, fragile, and layered. It is not pretty when the layers of civility are peeled back, exposing unpleasantness or worse.
What Is Civilization?
The root of the word ‘Civilization’ is ‘Civ’, which comes from the Latin civis, which means citizen.
‘Civil,’ which is also derived from the same Latin word, refers to citizens who are ‘trained’ or ‘refined.’ It is considered the cultural development of man from barbarism.
Are we, as humans, naturally civilized? No. We are ‘trained’ to be civil.
“Every civilization is, among other things, an arrangement for domesticating the passions and setting them to do useful work.”
— Aldous Huxley (Brave New World)
Civilization Is A Formula By Design
Is civilized society a design formula of what we are supposed to be? (A thin veneer wrapped around us and held in place by training, indoctrination, and fear of punishment?) Yes. I believe so.
Is our modern civilization’s bigger picture and construct an imposition by a smaller authority who understands how to possess the systemic means to power? If you ask me, I say yes. Yes, it is.
How Many Would Misbehave If The Thin Veneer Of Civilization Breaks?
If you look closely, the veneer of civilization appears to be remarkably thin.
How many would misbehave if they thought there would be no penalties for bad behavior? Would the ugly side of human nature emerge? Again, I say yes. Yes, it would.
Are there triggers of man’s potentially ‘savage’ nature that could cause a breakout of this thin veneer, wicked and barbaric as ever? Umm, yes.
How quickly might we transition from civil to barbaric, and what events could cause it?
Triggering Civil Breakdown Of The Thin Veneer Of Civilization
The normalcy bias of ‘civilized’ people results in the assumption that things (life) will always remain civilized. However, civil breakdown is never far around the corner.
Modern humans and modern civilization (society) rely on today’s incredible distribution systems, as well as human creature comforts, entertainment, and distractions.
When life gets difficult…people tend to become less civilized.
Reliance Upon Systems And Distribution
Remove certain things and services that civilization has come to depend on. It will trigger civil breakdown to varying extents. Dependence inherits systemic risk.
There is a higher risk of civil breakdown when the vast majority depend on external systems for survival. Why? Because systems do break down, sometimes catastrophically.
For example, if distribution systems were to be disrupted, it would hamper the ability to acquire food, consumables, and other necessities quickly. Civilization’s veneer could peel away as desperation turns ugly.
[ Read: When The Trucks Stop, It’s Over ]
[ Read: ‘Just in Time ‘ Food Supply Disaster is Looming ]
Bursting Bubble Economy Will Peel Back The Thin Veneer Of Civilization
We live in a massive economic ‘bubble’ of inflated assets and insurmountable debt. It is inevitable, mathematically, that it will break down or collapse into a heap of misery. When this happens, there will quite certainly be civil breakdown to an extent—and a significant change in ‘life as we know it.’
Remember, your own ‘personal economy’ can ‘turn on a dime’ (quickly)…
Wildly Opposing Political Ideals and Rogue Governments
We’re living in a time of incredible differences in ideological opinion regarding who we are, where we should be going (as a people), and how we should be governed.
Tensions have been extreme at times and have flared into sporadic civil breakdown. This is a tiny precursor for where this ‘could’ eventually lead.
How many governments throughout history (and recent history) have murdered millions and tens of millions of their people? You can look it up…LOTS.
How many internal civil wars have taken place throughout history? LOTS.
Look at the many nation wars throughout history. Conquest.
Regardless of the varying underlying reasons, I would call that “ripping off the thin veneer of civilization,” revealing our human barbarism beneath.
Given the global forces at play, I see this situation escalating as time goes on. I hope that civil breakdown can be averted. I don’t know how this eventually plays out without conflict.
But in the meantime, keep on prepping.
Food For Thought…