Hide a Key – Best and Worst Place – How-to

How-to hide a key

How many of you keep a spare house key? Do you hide a key in one of the following obvious places?

The WORST place to hide a key is ANYWHERE NEAR THE FRONT DOOR!

DO NOT hide the key under the mat.
DO NOT hide the key under a flower-pot near the front door.

I hope you realize that every burglar knows the common places to hide a key…

  • on the top door-sill
  • anywhere in the porch light
  • in the mailbox
  • under the doormat
  • in the potted plant
  • inside the plastic fake rock near the front door
  • in a magnetic key holder that may be attached to something near the door

You get the idea… anywhere near the front door will be obvious places for a potential burglar to quickly look. Just don’t do it.

(UPDATE: I am currently reassessing my spare key storage. I recalled this article and all of your great comments. One additional consideration for me is being careful not to hide a key anywhere that can get covered with snow and ice during the winter! As in, potentially unmovable or recoverable).

 Here are a few alternative ideas to the aforementioned worst places to hide a key.

How-to Hide a Key

Keep a spare house key with your BBQ grill sitting in the back yard. Find an inconspicuous spot (inside the lower compartment?) and stash your spare key there. You might use a magnetic key holder for this idea.

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How-to hide a key

A fake rock would work, but be sure to put it in an area with other rocks, in the side-yard or backyard, so it doesn’t stand out.

Looks and Feels Like Real Stone
(view on amzn)

Hide a key in a fake rock

An outdoor rated spare key lock box. I would still hide it out of direct view, though it’s safe for several spare keys.

Waterproof Storage

combination lock hide-a-key outdoors

If you have vinyl siding, you might find a lip where you can tuck a spare key. Just find a spot that’s not near the front of the house.

Place a spare key in a heavy duty zip lock freezer bag (to protect from the elements and corrosion) and hide it under a larger rock or pavers stone, step stone, etc. somewhere in the back yard.

If you have an out-building or shed, there will be a multitude of hide-a-key places inside. Maybe under a gas can, or under a stack of scrap wood, etc.

If you implicitly trust your neighbor, you might consider leaving a spare with them (be wary though, especially if there are other family members there who might be a risk).

How about somewhere in the chicken coop? Sounds like a good idea to me…

The point is, there are lots of possibilities of where to hide a spare key. Just don’t hide it anywhere obvious. And do not hide it anywhere near the doors themselves (front or back).

The key is (pun intended), pick a clever place and just be aware that no-one is watching you when you initially hide your key.

What are your ideas?

[ Read: Door Security Bar – Extra Layer of Protection ]