It’s Wicked Cold! It’s So Cold That…

It’s a New England slang, ‘wicked’. When it’s wicked cold, what we really mean to say is that it’s the coldest of cold! Wicked. I don’t think it’s used outside the New England region, so my apologies. Anyway, at the present time, it’s wicked cold in a large part of the country. It reminded me of this original post which coincidentally was published nearly to the exact day, 5 years ago. I’ve lopped off the old comments so that you all can add fresh reports of how the cold is affecting your region during this cold spell.

Also, you might want to add your own ending to the phrase, “It’s so cold that…”
It’s so wicked cold that…
You have to break the smoke off your chimney.
When I put on my coat to take out the garbage it didn’t want to go.
Your eyes freeze shut when you blink.
We had to chisel the dog off a lamp-post.
My long-johns are hiding.
Your coat needs a coat.
My internet froze.
The optician is giving away free ice scrapers with every new pair of eyeglasses.
We had to chop up the piano for firewood – but we only got two chords.
My mail broke when I tried to pry open the envelope.
The mercury in the thermometer is just – GONE!
There was a knock at my door – it was my thermometer wanting to come in.
I saw a politician with his hands in his OWN pockets.
The car had to be pushed into the heated garage to thaw out for a few hours before it would start.
So cold here that I had to wear my leather flip flops to go check the surf. (‘Kulafarmer’ in Maui)
It’s so cold that the lake thought it was funny and just cracked up.
It got so cold our words froze as we spoke.
[ Read:
‘Mr. Heater Buddy’ for Winter Survival Preparedness