Potassium Iodide Tablets For Nuclear Radiation Emergencies

Potassium Iodide Tablets. Nuclear radiation pills for radiological emergencies…nuclear fallout. I recommend keeping a supply for preparedness, just in case. I certainly do. Here’s the essence of what they are, how they protect, and what I specifically recommend.
You might call them nuclear radiation pills. But they are specifically for thyroid protection from nuclear fallout – be it a nuclear weapon attack, or a nuclear reactor meltdown.
>> If and when there is a radiological emergency, it might be too late to get potassium iodide tablets. Supplies will be depleted nearly immediately from the ensuing nuclear-related panic.
(jump down to my recommendation)
Radioactive fallout, from powerplants or nuclear weapons, can travel long distances. Almost all of the thyroid cancer from Chernobyl took place more than 30 miles from the reactor.
Thyroid cancer, especially among children, is the most common and dangerous effect from radiation exposure. More than 90% of the cancer at Chernobyl was thyroid related.
KI’s value was demonstrated at Chernobyl. More than 18 million people received the drug, and all were protected. But in areas where KI was not available, thyroid damage, including cancer, among children spiked to epidemic rates. All preventable.
~ from the mfgr of iOSAT, Anbex
How Potassium Iodide Tablets Protect You…
The active ingredient in iOSAT tablets (the most popular brand) is potassium iodide (KI). It is a form of highly soluble iodine. After taking the tablet, the body quickly absorbs and stores potassium iodide in the thyroid gland. The potassium iodide saturates the thyroid gland and fills it to capacity.
Why is this important? Because the potassium iodide leaves no room for radioactive iodine (from nuclear fallout) to get into the thyroid gland. The body will reject the radioactive form and excrete it.
The NRC says it like this… “When potassium iodide is ingested, it is taken up by the thyroid gland. In the proper dosage, and taken at the appropriate time, it will effectively saturate the thyroid gland in such a way that inhaled or ingested radioactive iodines will not be accumulated in the thyroid gland.”
iOSAT is apparently the only adult full-strength tablet for radiation protection
that has passed all FDA tests for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy.
FDA Approved:
Best Potassium Iodide Radiation Pills For Nuclear Fallout
FDA Approved 130mg potassium iodide tablets for use in a radiation emergency. Individually sealed tablets. Scored so they can easily be split in half for a 65mg dose (for children).
- 14 130mg tablets per pack
- 14 days of protection for adults
- 28+ days of protection for children. Tablets are scored for easy splitting.
- FDA-mandated individually foil-sealed for single tablet storage and dosing.
- No prescription required – OTC
- Made in the U.S.A.
If purchasing through my links, I may earn commission (no extra cost).
Affiliate Disclosure
iOSAT (14) 130 mg tablets

How Many Potassium Iodide Tablets To Take, and How Often To Take Them…
Side effects from potassium iodide are extremely rare, but it should not be used by anyone with a known allergy to the drug, or those with nodular thyroid disease. “Use as directed by public health officials”.
Recommendation: Store at least one pack of 14 tablets per person for every location frequented (home, work, relative’s home, overnight bag, etc..).
iOSAT Potassium Iodide tablets should be immediately available in the event of a nuclear radiation emergency (attack/fallout/meltdown). In other words, you should already have some on hand!
Ideally, the first dose should be taken 2-3 hours BEFORE exposure to be most effective. However, we do not know the time or the hour for if and when a radiological emergency might happen. So, next best is as soon as possible afterward – assuming you are ,or will be, in an affected area.
The manufacturer says, “Administer one dose every day (same time) until your family has evacuated to an uncontaminated area, and then stop administering the tablets (as directed by public health officials). Any remaining tablets will still be foil-sealed and available for a future need.”
Radiation Tablets For Children
From Anbex, the FDA-approved manufacturer, “Children under 18 can receive an effective dose from half a tablet. However, KI is known to be very safe for children, so any child over the age of one could take a full tablet with no adverse consequences expected.”
What About The Shelf Life or Expiration Date?
iOSAT Tablets are FDA-approved for 10 years from the date of manufacture and should be stored unopened in a dry environment at room temperature.
From the NRC, “Is it safe to take KI tablets with an expired shelf-life? Yes, potassium iodide tablets are inherently stable and do not lose their effectiveness over time. Manufacturers must label their products with a shelf-life to ensure that consumers purchase safe and useful products.”
[ Read: Does Potassium Iodide Expire? Tablets Shelf Life – Answered ]
[ Read: Gas Mask For Nuclear Fallout ]