Best Time To Go Grocery Shopping During Pandemic To Avoid Crowds

What I’m about to say is common sense. You might say, “duh”, I already knew that, Ken. However this site is about practical, sensible preparedness. So here goes… What’s the best time to go grocery shopping?
During “normal times” when there’s no pandemic virus clinging around, most people don’t give much thought to exactly when they might go to the grocery store or any store for that matter.
They’ll go when it’s convenient for them. Which makes sense.
But with this COVID 19 coronavirus, there’s obvious growing concern that increasing numbers of people and surfaces may have the virus. And these concerns are well reflected by today’s emptying shelves of disinfectant wipes and sprays, toilet paper, and many other goods & supplies.
It’s best not to go out at all during a time of pandemic risk (tips at the bottom). Though this is not always possible. Therefore, my advice…
When is the best time to go grocery shopping – and which days?
First, the WORST time to go to the store, shopping, is anytime during the weekend. Why? Because that’s when most people are there! Duh, right?
Most people work during the week and really don’t have time to go until the weekend.
However, even these people could adapt and adjust their schedules to go during another day and time of day when there are the FEWEST people there!
Best time is early in the morning, Monday through Thursday
Most working people don’t go shopping before work, or during workday mornings. Even retired folks won’t be there in numbers too early in the morning. It’s an entirely different experience.
Today, Monday, this morning I did a little reconnaissance over at a grocery store near me. It wasn’t terribly early at all. Actually around 8:30AM. It was great! In the sense that the crowd was very light. Really not a crowd at all.
Why didn’t I include Friday (you might wonder)? Well, that’s just an opinion. Some people take Friday’s off for a long weekend. Friday’s tend to be stock-up days for the weekend. So, it’s going to be busier in general.
So that’s my advice. Get up earlier if you must. That’s when it will be the best time to go to the grocery store (any store). Lots fewer people. Minimize your exposure risk. But don’t forget to wipe down the cart handle!
Empty Shelves Today | Disinfectant Wipes & Sprays, Bleach, Toilet paper
The picture up top of this article is one of several that I took this morning at a grocery store near my location. Empty shelves. When you see it for the first time (though I’ve already seen it), the sight can be alarming. Why? Because we are certainly not used to seeing that here in the land of plenty…
Here are a few more:
“Because of increased demand, customers are limited to two (2) of each item in the Disinfectant wipes and sprays section. Thank you for understanding.”

Bleach almost gone…

Toilet paper IS gone:

[ Read: Panic Buying Has Begun ]
[ Read: Tips to Survive Pandemic ]