Important Survival Preparedness Books To Have On Your Bookshelf

I want your opinion too, but I felt compelled to list what I believe to be some of the most important preparedness books to have on your bookshelf.
Call me old fashioned, but there’s nothing quite like a real tangible book. I’ve tried the Kindle thing a few times but I still like holding and reading a physical book.
Sure, a Kindle will hold a zillion electronic books and is convenient that way. There are times though when it may be simpler, quicker, or more helpful to find what you’re looking for in a real hard copy reference book.
Some of us tend to accumulate lots of books over time, and some end up being better than others. With that in mind I thought it would be helpful to point out a number of survival/prepper/preparedness related books which I feel are exceptional.
Books for Preparedness
One of the better general preparedness reference books that I’ve purchased is the Encyclopedia of Country Living. I do recommend that you get yourself a copy if so compelled to expand your bookshelf. There’s all sorts of great information in there!
The Encyclopedia of Country Living
“Lights Out” (a wakeup all). The following book is not a reference book in the sense of what you might expect one to be. However the story that’s told (it’s a novel) is a sort of reference to what we might expect following a colossal breakdown (EMP) of our way of life. Every preppper should read it (many already have).
The SAS Survival Handbook (3rd edition) by John ‘Lofty’ Wiseman is updated with 100 additional pages and is the “ultimate guide to surviving anywhere”. A classic outdoor manual that addresses every seemingly conceivable disaster scenario.
SAS Survival Handbook (3rd edition)
The category of First Aid and medicine! The Survival Medicine Handbook by Joe & Amy Alton is a popular reference book among the preparedness community. 670 pages of detail for those who want to be medically prepared for any disaster where help is NOT on the way.
Survival Medicine Handbook (3rd edition)
Back to Basics by Abigail Gehring is a great book for inspiration and getting started with learning the basic living skills of our forefathers. Lots of ideas and enough to wet your appetite to go try some of the things. Great for thumbing through on occasion to find something new to try.
The go-to book for home canning. The Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving is an excellent resource. Clearly written and easy to follow… creative recipes… encouraging, concise text.
Ball Complete Book of Home Preserving
If you had to pick a book for gardening, you might consider ‘All New Square Foot Gardening II’ by Mel Bartholomew. A classic reference on space saving techniques, vertical gardening, increased crop output, and much more.
All New Square Foot Gardening II
Root Cellaring by Mike Bubel is a classic with detailed guidelines for storing fruits and vegetables in the most simple way possible. Specific individual storage requirements for nearly 100 home garden crops.
Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables
There certainly are plenty of books in the genre of preparedness and prepping. I certainly have lots more than those I’ve listed above and could go on and on with more.
More: Survival Library
I would like to hear from you though. Any additional preferred reference books?