Top-5 Things For Survival Preparedness

Assuming that you are currently living somewhat ‘normally’, that is, you have shelter and the typical things one has today, then the top five things (categories?) you could have for survival preparedness can be found in the following list.
1. good quality water filter
2. food storage
3. defense
4. communications equip
5. first-aid
Water comes first. Without it, or any form of it (including the water in foods), most would die after 3 or 4 days. It may sound unrealistic, but it is absolutely true. Most people take water for granted. It seems plentiful and all around us at times. The thing is, we need ‘drinking’ water. Not all water, and in fact most water is not safe to drink without some form of filtration or purification.
The number one recommended thing for survival preparedness is a quality water filter. A big table-top ceramic filter type of unit. Something like the Big Berkey Countertop Water Filter .
Food Storage is number two. After you have secured a means to produce safe drinking water and survive beyond 3 days, you will need food! We can survive much longer without food, but will become fairly useless after not replenishing our bodies with calories and nutrients. Believe it or not, the grocery stories could easily be completely emptied of food in 3 days, given a major collapse. It is a fact that supermarkets operate under a method of “just-in-time” delivery, and if disrupted, there are typically only 3 days of food in most supermarkets.
Storing food is a no-brainer, something easy to do. You may choose long-term survival foods like freeze-dried, or sacks of beans and rice and other foods sealed in food-grade buckets, or maybe simply lots of extra foods and cans of things you normally eat. 6 months of food storage is a reasonable goal.
Defense will be crucial IF the situation ever becomes truly chaotic and severe. There are a number of scenarios that will tip the scales here, events that affect large numbers of people who are used to, and who entirely depend upon today’s modern technology to literally keep them alive (even though they don’t know it). Imagine millions of hungry people who become desperate for food. Think about how cranky you yourself get when you become overly hungry… now imagine not eating for days and how desperate you would become. Multiply this times x? Get it? You quite literally may need to defend what you have, even if it makes you feel uncomfortable, this could be the case.
There are lots of defensive tactics, like staying under-the-radar, laying low, avoiding conflict. However, it is your right (in most places) to own a firearm. You should. Learn how to use it. Practice. It’s actually quite fun too… Take a class. Purchase a rifle, and a handgun, for starters. Many recommend a 308 rifle and a 45 handgun. There are a zillion opinions. A related article: Four Survival Guns.
Communications equipment will be very important to learn what is going on around you, and also a mechanism to communicate with others in your family or group. Information is a powerful thing. Knowing what’s going on will provide an advantage, allowing you to make better decisions than those who don’t have a clue.
A good portable AM/FM/Shortwave Radio is a must-have item for preparedness. A means to power the unit is also of equal importance, so consider rechargeable batteries and solar-panel chargers for the style batteries that you have. Quality walkie-talkies will also be a valuable resource.
First-Aid is always high on the list of preparedness plans or kits. Do not scrimp in this area – be sure to buy plenty of everything. Speaking from experience, you can go through gauze bandages VERY fast when treating a larger wound. Keep lots of them. Did I say lots?
Search first-aid lists and discover ideas of what supplies you should get for yourself. Here is a list of medical supplies that will run out after a collapse, according to ‘Nurse Amy’.
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