Best Biometric Handgun Safe – Top Rated Reviews

Best biometric handgun safe

I own several biometric handgun safes. It is common sense. If you have kids, it’s a no-brainer. Even if you don’t, a quick access handgun safe provides security from theft or prying eyes.

In my opinion, the best type of biometric handgun safe will also have multiple ways to open besides a fingerprint, including a button press sequence (PIN code), and with a key (just in case).

There are a lot of choices when looking to purchase a biometric handgun safe. Since I first purchased this type of safe (it was a Sentry Safe model), there have been quite a few additions to the market.

First, a quick list of my top picks for the best biometric handgun safe.
Keep reading for more detail…

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Best Overall (I have 3 of these)

Top Budget #1 (More keypad digits)

Top Budget #2 (Very ergonomic)

Best Bedside Slide out

Bonus: The following is a 2 handgun biometric safe from Sentry Safe:
Great Choice For 2 Handguns

Some Features To Consider:

  • Thicker metal construction
  • Lid piston/strut or spring quality
  • Padding
  • 3 methods to open
  • Excellent biometric repeatability
  • Ergonomics
  • Battery life
  • Brand quality via top rated reviews

Best Budget Biometric Handgun Safe (2 Best Choices)

There are two that strongly standout among reviews and top ratings. You cannot beat them for the money. I would consider either of these to be among the best handgun safes while also budget friendly.

ONNAIS Biometric Handgun Safe

ONNAIS biometric handgun safe

Exterior Dimensions 11.49″ x 9.17″ x 3.07″
Interior Dimensions 10.63″ x 6.69″ x 2.91″

Security Cable is a nice add.

Unlock with a key, a user PIN code, or up to 30 stored fingerprints. I really like the extra capability to store so many biometric fingerprints because this could provide access to the handgun safe by not only yourself but also a spouse (or whomever else you might choose). Also, it may be beneficial to store several of your fingers (e.g. index and thumb), so the safe will open several ways. My old Sentry Safe’s can only store two prints, so I like this ONNAIS feature alot.

TIP: The high-resolution fingerprint scan enables the possibility to also add the edge of your fingers (as part of the 30 storage capability). This will ensure an additional likelihood that the handgun safe will open even if your finger is not pressed straight on the button (the rush of the moment).

Another nice little feature is the ability to mute the beeps as you press the PIN code combination. You might want this to remain silent (if it matters to you). All you have to do is press the OK button 3-times, and from then on it remains muted (until you repeat that sequence).

There’s a warning when the 4-AA batteries are getting low. When it’s low, you will hear 10 beeps after you unlock the safe. I recommend good quality batteries for the longest performance. Consider Lithium or at least Energizer MAX.

BILLCONCH Biometric Handgun Safe

This handgun safe caught my eye. I noticed a few features that I especially like.

BILLCONCH biometric handgun safe

The pin code numerical buttons include numeral zero through nine. Most of the handgun safes that I have seen only have four or five digit choices for a pin combination. My own personal pin happens to use some digits up above the numeral 5, so this would enable me to use the same pin that’s already permanently well-etched in my memory.

The internal battery (2200 mAh) is rechargeable by way of a micro-USB port on the front. That’s convenient.

There is also an App that you can use for various things such as Unlock logs, password management, and more.

Best Slideout Biometric Handgun Safe (Bedside…)

Use/attach to a bedside or nightstand, under a desk, to the side of a bed, discretely on a bookshelf, or wherever else. A biometric fingerprint or pin code will release the locking pin holding back a spring that automatically slides out the handgun drawer for quick easy access.

This one is the most popular and well-reviewed slider handgun safes on amzn.

LANGGER biometric handgun safe

An appealing feature is the latest 508 DPI (dots per inch) resolution biometric sensor for more accurate and faster fingerprint speed (0.2 seconds). The LANGGER will store up to 20 unique fingerprints.

Another nice feature is the storage slot for an extra mag.

The unit is made from heavy-duty 16-gauge carbon steel and weighs 12.5 pounds.

Opens three ways. Biometric fingerprint, 4-digit keypad, or key. As with any handgun safe, make sure that you keep the emergency keys out of the safe in case the batteries die (this one uses 4 AAA).

Not only does the slider drawer pop out quietly, but there’s a silent mode too (muting button press beeps).

It will fit handguns up to 9.5 inches in length, which covers almost all of them on the market.

Examples: Compatible with 1911, Glock 19, Glock 17, Glock 22, Glock 34, Glock 43, Glock 45, Beretta M9, Heckler & Koch VP9, Walther Arms PPS, Sig p365, Sig p320, Sig P220, Sig P226, Sig M18, Sig sp2022, Sig M17, Springfield XDs XD9, Aig m18, HK vp9, Ruger P-85, Ruger 57 and lots more.

The rest of this article is the original post that I wrote about my biometric Sentry Safe, which I had purchased several.

Sentry Safe Biometric Handgun Safe (Among The Best)

Perhaps The Best Overall:

When you pick up this pistol safe you’ll know right away that the metal is significant. While no safe is impervious, this one has heavy duty heft.

I am not going to damage my safe trying this, but but I am sure it would be pretty difficult to force this handgun safe open. Given the design of the rear hinges and the front locking mechanism, I can’t imagine getting this thing open without activating the biometric fingerprint, the keypad, or the key itsel.

SentrySafe Biometric Handgun Safe Lid Piston/Strut

When you first open the safe, the immediate noticeable feature is the powerful lid strut/piston.

Sentry Safe gas strut

It takes a fraction of a second for the strut to pop up the lid for quick access.

Gas Strut Replacement Part for Sentry Safe Handgun Safe

UPDATE: I’ve had to replace the gas struts/pistons after approximately 5 years (evidently newer Sentry Safe handgun safes have better improved struts). There are several aftermarket struts that will fit (see my installation Note below).

Replacement Gas Piston Strut for the Sentry Safe biometric handgun safe:

20lb/89N 7.5 Inch

Note: The ends on the new and old struts are different. Just screw off the ends of both and put the original Sentry strut ends on the new struts. Works like a charm. Lid opens fully and rapidly again.

The product link above is a 2-pack. You might put the second strut in the safe as a spare.


I really like the type of padding that’s glued into the interior. I’ve had some safes where their padding deteriorates over the years. Not this one! It feels like some kind of neoprene or similar. It’s ‘just right’.

3 Methods To Open The Handgun Safe

Here’s what I really like about this pistol safe: There are 3 ways to open it (I like backups).

– biometric fingerprint
– button press sequence
– key

Biometric Gun Safe – Incredible Fingerprint Repeatability

The #1 feature that (in my opinion) makes this one of the best biometric gun safes for a pistol/handgun is the stunning repeatability of the fingerprint biometric reader. I’m telling you, it opens every time! I don’t know how they do that ;)

There are two blue LED lights (one on each side of the biometric area) that light up when you touch the fingerprint reader. If it’s dark, once you touch it, you know it’s activated. A single green LED lights up when it’s opening.

Sentry Safe biometric fingerprint reader

Overall Ergonomics

The fingerprint scanner is nicely recessed making it easier to quickly and properly slide the pad of your finger across it. Even in the dark, the location and design assist in easy and quick opening.

The rest of it just feels right. The shape and dimensions are well thought out. As you can see in the photo, it easily fits my Glock G19 and several mags (I could fit even more in there).

SentrySafe Biometric Pistol Safe

Excellent Battery Life

I have never had the batteries go dead. But I will say this, I do replace them every year or two. So I know they last at least 2 years (probably longer).

For my next set I’m going to use Lithium batteries because they last even longer. By the way, they’re AA batteries. The battery compartment is very easy to access.

SentrySafe Pistol Safe Battery Compartment

Quality Brand Name

SentrySafe has been around for a long time and makes quite a variety of safes.

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