Crime Statistics Map Tools


Among the many risks we face, crime is one of the more apparent dangers that we hear or read about in the news. While many people tend to live in their own bubbles and believe that it (crime) will never happen to them or in their neighborhood, the fact is that it could happen anywhere, anytime.

The following are a few crime map tools which may shine some light on your own neighborhood:

Risk awareness is an integral pare of preparedness for life. Without knowing the risks we face, there is no preparing for it.

Whether you are researching a new area to live or visit, or are simply interested to know the crime trends in your region, the following crime mapping tools may be of interest.
The Crime-Reports website claims to be the largest and most comprehensive crime-mapping network in the world. Their free service also enables you to sign up for email alerts to new crime in your area.
The City-Rating crime statistics website enables you to search for crime statistics by state and city in the United States, and is quite extensive. It indicates trending as well as the specific statistics for various categories of crime in your town.

(We have no affiliation with any of these websites – they simply appear to be popular in this category)