People Who Might Bug-Out To Your Place After SHTF
It’s best to think about the topic before anything like this happens. To establish a thought-process and hopefully a plan.
It’s best to think about the topic before anything like this happens. To establish a thought-process and hopefully a plan.
To begin with, lets take small steps. Do what you can to soften your existing reliance on external systems.
Cities depend on ALL consumable supplies being brought in by distribution systems. The population has zero chance of survival without them.
As a prepper, is it possible to overreact from fear of today’s concerns about SHTF and the state of the decaying world we live in?
We literally rely on the trucking industry for our lives. When the trucks stop, it’s over! Here’s my view on the timeline…
Have you heard the fable of the frog and the scorpion? Do you remember its lesson to never trust the scorpion?
Just imagine what would happen if the internet were to go down, and how much we rely on it for our functional infrastructure…
The veneer of civilization is truly thin. When the layers are peeled back, it’s not a pretty sight. In fact it can become downright ugly…
The majority of today’s modern human population are literally 100% dependent upon other ‘systems’ to survive. And they don’t even realize it.
Gasoline fuel terminal location maps and map locations of the 140 United States oil refineries.