10 Survival Preparedness Reference Books

The results are in from our poll question of your recommended survival preparedness reference books. (See the results for 10 Survival Novels).
These 10 survival reference books received the most votes from our poll results:
SAS Survival Handbook
Newly updated to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster.
How To Survive The End Of The World As We Know It
A comprehensive guide to preparing for the apocalypse. Formerly unimaginable scenarios have become terrifyingly real possibilities -learn how to prepare for the worst.
When All Hell Breaks Loose
What every family needs to prepare and educate themselves about survival psychology and the skills necessary to negotiate a disaster.
Back To Basics
Anyone who wants to learn basic living skills—the kind employed by our forefathers-and adapt them for a better life in the twenty-first century.
The Encyclopedia Of Country Living
Modern homesteading, growing and preserving foods, raising chickens -the most authoritative guide available to a sustainable lifestyle and living off of the land.
When Technology Fails
Comprehensive primer on sustainable living skills—from food and water to shelter and energy to first-aid and crisis-management skills.
The Survival Medicine Handbook
A guide for those who want to be medically prepared -will give you the tools to handle injuries and illness for any disaster where help is NOT on the way.
US Army Survival Manual: FM 21-76
The finest single source for self-reliance for all extreme circumstances. A must for anyone who wants to know how to survive in primitive conditions.
-Dept. of Defense
How To Stay Alive In The Woods
A practical, readable-and potentially indispensable-manual for anyone venturing into the great outdoors -broken down into Sustenance, Warmth, Orientation and Safety.
LDS Preparedness Manual
Intended to assist individuals and families in coping with emergency preparations and contains over 130 in-depth articles on food storage and general Preparedness.
The following 20 additional survival reference books received enough poll votes to list:
Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family
The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible
A Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants
Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine