Wind Chill Frostbite Chart – Time vs Temperature
Frostbite chart exposure time vs temperature and wind, based on NWS data and wind chill index from ECCC (Canada).
Frostbite chart exposure time vs temperature and wind, based on NWS data and wind chill index from ECCC (Canada).
Tornado season doesn’t span an exact time frame. It occurs at different times for different regions of the United States.
My inner nerd is always on the hunt for the best weather alert radio with all features and performance that I want. Is it the Midland WR400?
Lightning dangers and risks. Many wrongly believe they’re safe because the thunderstorm is not yet overhead. Here are more facts and tips..
Here’s what to do when you’re in a Tornado Warning. I’ve been there a number of times during my travels…
Layers, Fusion, Energy, Temperature, Rotation, Size, Solar Wind, Cycles, and when the sun will finally die (hint: it’s a long time from now).
A sunspot exhibiting X-class potential. It’s like staring down the barrel of a gun aimed right at you. Sort of like playing Russian Roulette.
It’s a New England slang, ‘wicked’. When it’s wicked cold, what we really mean to say is that it’s the coldest of cold! It’s so cold that…
A drought does not announce its arrival. It’s a “creeping phenomenon,”. Here are several Realtime United States drought maps.
Here’s on way (of many) to look at or consider 4 phases of disaster. It may help the overall process of one’s preparedness.