Ear Protection During Indoor Home Defense
Consider ear protection for home defense. In the unlikely event of a home defense indoor shooting scenario, hear is my suggestion…
Consider ear protection for home defense. In the unlikely event of a home defense indoor shooting scenario, hear is my suggestion…
The following situational advice should be common sense. However, I’ll explain in a minute why it’s important.
I have this particular wireless driveway alarm system. I use it a bit differently than you might expect…
Here are some of the best and worst places to hide a key. Burglars always look in these several common hiding places…
OPSEC or Operations Security among your inner circle may be more important than you realize, and this is why…
Most people live in their bubbles. Don’t let that be you. Try learning the automatic scan technique for your own situational awareness.
If you could only have one gun for survival, many would agree that it would be this one… and here’s why…
We have human night vision, to an extent. The human eye has an amazing ability to see a very wide range of light conditions. There’s a technique though…
Thinking of a strong master password that you can remember is not going to be as hard as you think. Here are my tips to get it done!
The BuddyBar door jammer is one of the best home security door bars you can get. It’s so easy to use – enabling a burglar-resistant door.