Tinder For Building A Fire | A List Of Source Materials
A list of tinder source materials that you could use to build a fire. You can find tinder in nature and you can take some with you in a small fire kit.
A list of tinder source materials that you could use to build a fire. You can find tinder in nature and you can take some with you in a small fire kit.
Some tips to get the most out of your motion sensor when mounting outside for home security. Optimum height, best position for detecting movement, more…
Camper or RV preparedness might range from having a few extra supplies all the way to stocking a sort of mini bugout location. Here’s what I generally do…
Eat at home. Wait 24 hours before buying anything. Coordinate your driving errands. Don’t go to the store too often. Eat your food storage. Read more…
A list of ideas how to prep when poor or having a low income. Ideas on stretching the dollar, being efficient with what’s available, and other tips.
One of the VERY important rules of firearm safety is “Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.” Especially important for home defense at night!
2-way radios – channel and frequency information on FRS, MURS, GMRS, and CB. What’s best for non-licensed local communications? Lots of uses!
From choosing their prey, through the attack itself, the predator follows these steps in the attack cycle. If you break any one of them, they will likely move to an easier target.
The Top-5 Hazard Risks are floods, thunderstorms/lightning, snowstorms/cold, tornadoes, and hurricanes. There’s more… Check your state’s ranking here…
World population has doubled since 1970. The human population growth chart is stunning when viewed from a wide scale perspective.