Best Butane Stove For Indoors – Single Gas Burner
I recommend using a butane stove as the safest option for indoors. Butane burns clean. I like Iwatani as a brand choice. Here’s more…
I recommend using a butane stove as the safest option for indoors. Butane burns clean. I like Iwatani as a brand choice. Here’s more…
EMP-proof watches do exist. Here’s my opinion on what to look for and an example of one good choice from SEIKO.
I am reviewing my Rayovac survival lantern, which I have had for many years. I highly recommend it!
Guidelines for successful long-term water storage and treatment for a supply of safe drinking water, just in case…
The apartment prepper has unique prepping and preparedness challenges, especially with space limitations. Here are my priorities…
If you’re prepping at a high level, one thought to consider is this… When it hits the fan, what you have will be all there is…
How to get the watts / amps electricity consumption of a pellet stove, and instructions how to run it during a power outage.
My preferred indoor humidity during winter. The best general overall setting and a guideline based on outdoor temperature…
Several basic but important prepping mistakes to avoid during the journey towards being better prepared.
The Travel Berkey is the smallest Berkey water filter. Great for RV, camper, cabin, apartment, or simply at home with less counter space.