Will Your Preparedness Measures Ever Come In Useful During Your Lifetime?

Have you ever gotten to put your prepper skills to use? If yes, how often? Do you think all the measures you took with survival in mind will come in useful during your lifetime?


“All the measures”? I hope not “all”, because that would mean we will have entered a very bad time indeed. Some of my preparedness measures are reserved for a time of true SHTF. However I do not look forward to utilizing those measures. That said, it’s good to have ‘measures’, like an insurance policy – just in case.

If I change the question to “some” instead of “all”, then certainly yes. That’s part of the lifestyle aspect of survivalism / preparedness.

For example, on the most basic of levels (long term food storage), I try to rotate some of these extra foods. In other words, consume them and then replace with fresh. This reduces the eventual shelf life issue – which varies depending on what it is. That said, some of my foods are purely reserved for the long term and will probably not be opened unless needed.

The word “measures” pretty much implies anything and everything that you might have done with regards to preparedness. Some of my own measures are integrated into my daily life while other measures are kind of kept on the shelf so to speak.

I guess that I have a balance of tangible measures in a sense. Some I may use on occasion, others not so much.



Have I ever put my prepper skills to use? Sure. Some of them are used regularly. I suppose it gets into one’s definition of prepper skills, which is a pretty broad category in my view.

I tend to look at “prepper skills” as practical, hands-on skills. Those associated with many different aspects of survival ranging from bushcraft, basic first aid, gardening, canning, carpentry & trades, proficiency with firearms, alternative energy, and a zillion other things that could be tied-in with self sufficiency and self reliance.

– I garden every year and try to learn from my mistakes (which I seem to make every year). So I do use that prepper skill regularly.

– Mrs.J and I also do our share of home canning – some from the garden, some from good deals at the grocery store. I love the home canning concept because storage requires no external power source for long term food storage – an important prepper skill and food preservation technique!

– Cooking from scratch, milling our own flour from wheat berries, solar oven bread, lots of people today cannot even do the most basic of food preparation. So knowing “how to” and utilizing these prepper kitchen skills on occasion is useful. Sometimes it’s a good idea to bring out the hand grain mill ;) (for example, Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Grain Mill)

– Over the years of my life I have learned (some of them self taught) many trade type skills which I sometimes use in my every-day life – some associated with prepping and preparedness. Electronics & electricity (schooled and on-the-job training), electro-mechanical skills (on-the-job training), plumbing, carpentry, and other handyman related abilities.

– These skills have enabled me to build an off-grid solar power system for where I currently live (although I also have grid). I view this as a highly useful capability for preparedness sake.

– Skills have enabled me to build a small 36×26 barn all by myself, even with a loft! (except for concrete slab – too much work…). I can store some of my preps and other things, have a small shop, and a sort of man-cave… It would also provide shelter if needed in the future for additional people.

– Other skills combined have helped me to save money by “doing it yourself”, and they will also help in the future to adapt and overcome many situations if they arise.

– My basic bushcraft skills will help me if I’m ever in a jam off of the mainstream so to speak. I’m no bushcraft expert – but I can start a fire by different methods, build a shelter, navigate through terrain… Knowing the basics instills confidence while out in the woods, wherever that may be.

– I practice with my firearms on occasion. My property is large enough such that I have my own makeshift range. The practicality of these skills could be applied to hunting or self defense measures. Very important in my estimation.

We each have our own areas of interest and we probably have unique skill sets in those areas. It’s sometimes a good thing to force yourself to learn a new one – especially if it’s practical for preparedness.


Will They Come In Useful During Our Lifetimes?

Yes. Because we should integrate some of our preparedness into our way of life.

The question though might instead pertain to the probability of “use-case scenarios”. In other words, will the events that you are preparing for ever come to fruition during your lifetime?

Obviously that gets into the reasons why you and I may ‘prepare’. Sometimes these reasons shift as time goes on, due to events of the times we’re living in.

Currently my primary concerns include financial economic breakdown or collapse to an extent that becomes very disruptive to supply and distribution of goods and services.

When Resupply Breaks Down

Additionally, I am highly concerned about the present socio-political direction within the United States and the fact that we are so terribly divided ideologically. We may face troubling times ahead. Why? Because this nation is under attack from within. We are currently amidst the battle – although it has not gone tectonic yet.

More: How Much Worse Does It Have To Get Before You Act?

There are many additional reasons that motivate me to prep. Some of them even more severe than I’ve listed (although hopefully less probable) and others are much less severe but more likely to occur.

Do I think that any of the major reasons will happen during my lifetime? Actually I do. The biggest unknown is the severity. However I try to prepare for the worst, without it being all consuming. I do what I can, and am not fearful. Concerned, yes. Sometimes highly concerned. Afraid, no.

I hit 1,000 words. I wonder if I even answered the question? ;)

Can you answer the question? But don’t use 1,000 words!


  1. YES and YES. Living in a very remote location can have that effect!

  2. Yes, we get to practice with every outage. We also use our skills daily. Stored food has been our saving grace.

  3. Another YES . This past year has been a financial challenge for us . We have done very little shopping for things because we have relied on our pantry. We have a garden so we can eat fresh as well as can stuff. We have a stockpile of building things such as nails , screws, lumber and fencing materials. We have had occasion to use our cash stash also.
    We survived quite well with the grace and guidance of God.

  4. Will preparedness measures be useful in my lifetime? Oh, I don’t know. Will my savings and investments be useful?

  5. Yes and yes. Garden, can, hunt, process deer, good with most weapons, compound bow, crossbow, long guns, pistols, can fix most things. Biggest concern: stock market and losing most of nest egg.

  6. Yes almost everyday, especially when it comes to cooking. Being so remote I hit the food storage regularly when I cook. And my neighbors call me when they are desperate and I usually have what they need.
    Old man, being old, uses all kinds of ways to do things around the house.
    He can’t lift a railroad tie into place anymore so he uses something round to use as a roller under the tie and moves it right along. I have pix of the 2 of us moving a wood stove from under our carport, across the front of the house, down to the back ramp and up onto the deck. Quite the project, but it is here.
    The one that comes to mind is when old man had a 2 hour amnesia, (tga) and they thought he had a stroke and rushed him to the hospital, 165 miles away. (he never gets anything normal) It was vets day and everything at the VA was closed- no food or water. The dog and I ate out of our backpacks. She, the dog, was very happy, I always make sure the packs are in the car I am taking,
    I am starting to eat our stored food and now I know what I can use for barter and what to keep!

  7. Yes,every day.
    Helping others to learn and appreciate the skills is a rewarding,sometime frustrating endeavor.

  8. Time and times and lives and lifetimes. No one knows the hour . . .

    So far all my dreams have come true, including loving someone for a lifetime. I just thought that it would be for my lifetime and not his.

    Yes have used preps – stuff, knowledge, and skills – and have shared with others.
    Hope and pray that we (country/world) can move back from the cliff edge we seem to be on, but concerned that such a possibility may be OBEd.
    The community that would gather should the SHTF has been built. Some of us are older but rest are one and two generations younger. Perhaps my preps will be useful even after they are no longer useful to me.

  9. I agree as most here probably will, Yes.
    I use skills and the ‘Stores’ most everyday.
    For example, I butyl a fire in the wood stoves (2) each night for heat, and use an array of methods to lite them, from Flint & Steel to a good old Bic Lighter, why? Just cause.
    Another example, last weekend I processed a full wheel borrow full of Beets, canned and froze the ‘Greens’ than Pickled the Beets, ALL supplies from the Deep Pantry. Yes I’ll replace the ‘stuff’ but was nice to have the supplies, and enough to do probably 4 more ‘Batches’ the same.

    Main question to me is will a major ‘happening’ occur during my lifetime….. Look around people, it’s happening right now in slow motion.
    In 10 days from now, I’d sure be in Stage Orange, if I was ya all.

    1. NRP
      Stage Orange – no, Red Wave – yes
      Having prepped, election night I am pulling popcorn out of my storage to celebrate the humiliation of the radical crazies. Need to rotate the stock ya know.

        1. Tommyboy,
          Better stock up on the after Halloween candy sales.
          Chocolate is gonna take a price jump next year.(according to my good friend who tracks these things.)
          I’m guessing the cacao crop may not be good due to weather or political intrigue.
          I can put up with alot. But messing with my M&M’s and snickers bars?
          That’s like kicking my dog…

        2. Bill;
          Thanks for the heads up.
          Time to up that prep more, is 600 pounds really enough? LOLOL

    2. NRP,

      Good point. the ‘happening’ or ‘SHTF event’ is not the end point. Basically it is more of a ‘continuum’ that we prep for. IMHO.

    3. NRP,
      I agree , we are in a slow motion crash, things are happening in all areas of society. Fasten the lifejackets , the canoe is nearing the waterfall of reality.

  10. I end up using my stuff all the time, partially because its more about “lifestyle” as NRP puts it, and i try to have stuff i use all the time around, but also because my “lifestyle” renders me unemployable! As in i dont seek employment because ill be damned if i share one dime with the looters!!!!
    Be that as it may,
    Who is John Galt!

  11. Use preps on a regular basis . Just had 2 days with no power due to PGE deciding to shut off the power to half of northern California. Also just made a big pot of chicken soup using my home canned chicken and freeze dried veggies to try it out. As a lot say. I am always using my canned goods and other preps

  12. Two separate ice storms several years back. One without power for 13 days another 9 days. We managed quite well and I learned several things. I have made changes since and the last power outage, 2 days, was hardly noticed.

    Biggest thing was having to help neighbors. I don’t mind helping folks, it’s just that I was surprised by the helplessness of a few. I learned a lot about my neighbors during the ice storms. Most neighbors did just fine. A few though, gave me the old palms up shoulder shrug. I helped them with water, pump, furnace, generator, etc. I mistakenly thought most of the palms up shoulder shruggeers could handle themselves better than they did.

    Still learning the ham radio thing. Feeling better about comms all the time. It’s not that hard to get started and you can take it as far as you want to go. Some is way over my head, but I can communicate without infrastructure and that is huge in my personal situation. Did I mention faraday cage, when not in use? 2m ssb.

    I am guilty of not really eating any of my long term food storage. I know I should try it out, but I just can’t make myself do it. Some other meal always looks or sounds much better. Anyway if shtf I’m sure I’d learn to love it even if it tastes like s#%*

    1. It will all taste really good if you skip a couple meals first! It will last longer that way.

  13. same answer as the majority here ……….. but i hope i never have to use my long term preps or my horticultural skills in earnest ! i have a nice quit life and enjoy it that way.

  14. Yup all the time. I get more chances to use my various preps as a Deputy. Take medical knowledge and supplies for example. It is not uncommon to be at a medical 10-30 minutes before EMS arrives.

    I use my preps for personal use too. Up here in the Western Dakotas if your vehicle does not start in cold weather it isn’t just inconvenient, it’s life threatening. Things will get bad if your exposed to -30 temps and 25 mph winds without preparedness knowledge and supplies.

  15. Yes and yup! We had a bad ice storm took out two counties. We were OK here at the homestead, but had to rescue in-laws 22 miles away. A Four Wheel drive vehicle should be on the need list IMHO. Took my Huskie chain saw to clear the roads of tree limbs, but had to duck down in a ditch to go under a wire across one of the roads. In the end it turn out to be a warm family gathering back at my place . . . oh yea, good thing I had plenty of TP cuz my father-in-law was usually full of it.(LOL)

  16. Ditto, what others said. a lifestyle.. prepare as best possible, dehydrate, freeze, can ,glean,salvage, garden, animal husbandry. Store what we eat and eat what we store. Rotate consistently. Used regular and Heavily used@ every ice storm , every power outage.

  17. Yes and Yes, because it’s a lifestyle not a destination. Live the life and it’s part of what you do and who you are.

  18. Interesting life stories, thank you for sharing. Grew up next door to an 80 acre small dairy farm, best friends with the son and grew up together, helped with milking, feeding cleaning out the barn, bailing/storing hay and straw, corn chopping and silo filling, wheat harvesting and true king to the bins, then trucking to the graineryfor grinding and bagging. Huge garden with weeding and picking, totally self-contained, milk house with a cold water milk can storage for pickup, countertop milk pasteurized, fresh cream. My family had a garde, chickens, we hunted and fished four seasons, processed and ate it all. Did trapping for month, muskrat, busted ice rowing a wooden duck boat we build to check the trap lines. Skinned, stretched, preserved the fur to sell to a fur trader, top muskrat fur was a $1.25 each, good cash back then. One grandfather was a market Hunter, both grandparent sets did gardens, hi ting, fishing, brewed beer, ran booze from and to Canada during prohibition. Grew up with the lifestyle, no events triggered me, just how life was. Now winter storm ready, out of debt and did what I could to protect finances and assets. Flash and wants I pass by, buy used and functional vehicles, look used first, wear out my cloths, comfortable and remain low key but watching.

  19. Living ten miles from town, we get plenty of practice “rotating” our supplies, just to reduce excess trips to the grocery store.
    Several times, financial supprises caused us to rotate out our stored fuel also, since my commute is a hundred miles a day.
    Being prepared for a big issue has helped us handle the little issues in stride.

  20. Yes and yes, power outage during a blizzard, used stored food, wood heat.

  21. Yes, never know when your suddenly in that SHTF situation. Got cought in a snow storm hunting Ptarmigan on Adak. Had to dig in and sleep in a snow drift. Little change in the weather turned a weekend into a fourteen day shtf. Survival is mental, physical, and knowledge. Be prepared for the worst, and be thankful for not having to test your luck.

    1. Wow, Adak?! Talk about a remote location… I would imagine one is certainly pretty much on their own out there except for whoever may be with you.

      Like you said, a personal SHTF could happen anytime (as opposed to the stereo-typical events that are often talked about among ‘preppers’).

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