You’re Going To Need At Least One Year Of Food For SHTF

You will need at least one-year food storage for long term grid down.

One year of food storage. Enough food to survive for at least one year. That’s what you might need, at a minimum, for an actual real SHTF. An event that will shatter today’s modern way of life. The End Of Life As We Know It. Yes, this event could absolutely happen.

While this won’t matter for those living in the city or very population-dense regions, it will matter for those living outside these areas. How’s that? Well, the first group won’t survive very long (for several obvious reasons). The second group has a chance to survive long term.

You might be thinking that keeping a one-year food supply is ridiculous. If that’s you, and if we find ourselves in a catastrophic SHTF situation, you’re going to be in a world of trouble and will not survive long enough to come out the other side of it.

Others may believe that the odds of such a catastrophe are so low, that the concept of a one-year food supply is irrational. Worse yet, most people never give it a thought at all to begin with. Again, those are the people who won’t survive it.

Additionally, I’m certain that there are preppers who believe they’re all set with their 1-3 month supply. While that’s great for almost any major disruption, they’re not going to make it through either.

SHTF is not far-fetched in today’s highly uncertain world, making it sensible to acquire enough food for at least one year.

I firmly believe that it is within the realm of possibilities, given the state of the world today, for an event or series of events that could cull an astonishing number of people from the planet. I’m sure that you can imagine some of these scenarios.

Given our extreme dependence upon the continuous flow of goods (and all of the supporting infrastructure to enable this), many very real threats could break this badly. Very badly.

Although I definitely DO NOT want this to happen, my personal preparedness (and food storage) is oriented around the possibility. You might call it an instinct of self-preservation.

I have worked on it a little at a time. My own preparedness actions have not, and do not, consume my life. Rather, it has been sort of integrated into my way of life. Instead of being fearful, I have taken a common sense approach to sustainability. Why? Not only does it make sense to be able to survive without the grocery store for a fairly long period, but the end result is a reassuring peace of mind. It feels good to be self-reliant.

A one-year supply of food. Contrary to what you might think, it’s not that hard to do, especially once you commit and get started. We’re talking about approximately 750,000 calories per person. It can be done relatively cheaply (rice and beans, wheat and grains, pasta, and other calorie-dense cheap dry foods that store well). It can also become more expensive when you start getting into a better-diversified portfolio of foods (highly recommended).

Space is required. On one hand, you won’t need a warehouse, but on the other hand, it’s not all going to fit in a closet. But if you don’t start now, you’ll never get there.

It’s never too late to get started.

This article is not going to tell you how to do it. Rather, you might browse my Survival Food & Kitchen and Prepping categories for thoughts and recommendations. But what I will tell you is that you are likely going to need at least a one-year supply of food for a chance at survival when it all comes crashing down, so to speak. I would prefer that it doesn’t, but I’m not so sure about that.

At a minimum, if it all continues to roll along smoothly, you will have at least acquired a very big food insurance policy and will have beaten future food price inflation to an extent.

Think of it your preparedness this way… Food. Water. Security. They are each and all very important.

Ready, Set, Lights Out…

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